We are thrilled to have people becoming members of Dr. Carney's Dr. Carney's Starch-Smart® Community and are excited to share with you about some of the bloggers begining to publish.  One of the bloggers is of particular interest to people with Type-1 Diabetes.  But, as you will read, what Ken Thomas has discovered is helpful for everybody!  Ken has been forced to manually manipulate what is generally handled by the pancreas naturally. As a result, and because of his methodical engineering mindset, he has been able to figure out how to control blood sugar and he shares knowledge gained during his thirty+ years of living with Type-1 Diabetes. Here are Ken's first three blog posts: Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey, Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey-2: Disclaimer and Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey Part 3: What is Type-1 Diabetes?

We wish that EVERYBODY would subscribe to Ken's blogs at https://www.drcarney.com/blog/bloggers/blogger///casite-505587.cloudaccess.net/kenscircus

Another blogger, Deborah, writes on a variety of topics and is a wonderful addition to our blogging team!  A few of her blog entries have been Is eating meat macho?, Wild Claims and Vitamin B12: It's not just for meat-eaters anymore. Check out and subscribe to Deborah's blogs at https://www.drcarney.com///casite-505587.cloudaccess.net/blog/bloggers/blogger/deborah

Last, but not least, is Sean Carney who has only posted one blog so far but fully intends to keep on blogging. In the meantime he keeps the technology running on our three websites for AllMedPhysicians.com, DrCarney.com and Veggievore.com

In future postings we will introduce you to more bloggers on the Starch-Smart® Social Site who understand and support the Starch-Smart System of Dietary Care Extraordinaire!  Please let us know if you might be interested in blogging with us!