Thank you Deanna, for your question and your patience with my answer.
The 1st reason that I myself have chosen not to drink alcohol is because I need every brain cell I've got! Each sip kills off a few brain cells, such that tee-totalers have a different look to their brain imaging by age 50 compared to social drinkers, as viewed on MRI.
The 2nd reason is that all fermented products are acidifying to the body, thus promoting the formation of cancer. 1 drink of alcohol per month raises the risk of breast cancer by 33%. 1 drink of alcohol per week raises the risk of breast cancer 50%. 3 drinks of alcohol per week raise the breast cancer risk 75%.
The 3rd reason that I have chosen not to drink alcohol is because alcohol acts as a diuretic. Thus it pulls fluid out of our joints, fostering joint pain and degeneration like arthritis. Alcohol pulls fluid out of our skin's connective tissue, promoting wrinkles and rougher texture to the skin.
The 4th reason is unintended pregnancy! Ha!