The newly released film, The Marshall Plan, is a must-see film for anyone desiring optimal health and wellness! This inspirational film will help you to reconsider conventional thinking when it comes to treating our nation's second leading cause of death -- cancer -- and how food can also be a powerful tool yet without the cost, risks, and serious side effects of conventional treatments. The Marshall Plan also focuses on type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, high cholesterol and high blood pressure -- basically all lifestyle induced chronic diseases.
The Switzerland-based film team, Caroline Hofmann and Roland Boeni, present the course of action the mayor of Marshall, Texas, took after receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer shortly after his marriage in 2008. Upon researching all of his options, Mayor Smith and his wife Amanda decided to forgo conventional methods of treatment that involved powerful drugs, chemotherapy, and surgery. Under his doctor's supervision, he decided to treat his cancer using an aggressive dietary approach which eschews all meat and dairy products and refined foods and oils while focusing on a wide variety of whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, and some nuts/seeds. Subsequent scans show that his prostate cancer has disappeared.
The Marshall Plan highlights interviews with world-renowned nutritional experts like Doctors Michael Klaper, Neal Barnard, T. Colin Campbell, and Joel Kahn who discuss how a diet based on meat and dairy products promotes disease, disability, and death whereas a diet based on whole plant foods fights disease and supports dynamic health. Ethical questions are also examined regarding animal suffering and welfare with Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Baur. Additionally, vegan athletes like Rich Roll and Tim Shieff demonstrate how their athletic performance has been enhanced by a plant-fueled body.
The Smiths' enthusiastic influence has transformed their small East Texas city (where barbecue and chicken-fried steak are the usual dietary fare) into one where residents can now enjoy many plant-based options in local restaurants. Immersing themselves in educating others, the Smiths started a grassroots, nonprofit group called Get Healthy Marshall, Texas, which is an active and growing group where residents meet once a month for delicious plant-based, potluck dinners. The group also offers support, encouragement, educational presentations, and even local grocery store tours. Click here for more information and to locate a "Get Healthy Group" near you.
The Marshall Plan trailer can be viewed below, and the movie is available in two versions: digital download or DVD can be purchased here.
Eating a diet based on whole plant foods is a proven, science-based, non-invasive, low-cost, side-effect-free approach to prevent, treat, arrest, and reverse a myriad of acute and chronic diseases. If you are interested in learning how diet helps to prevent cancer, or have already received a cancer diagnosis, we encourage you to read the many articles and blogs we have provided, so you can partner with your doctor in choosing a treatment plan that's right for you.