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How to Cut Winter Squash

How to Cut Winter Squash

As you begin adding more whole plant foods to your diet, you'll want to take advantage of the many health benefits that Winter squash has to offer. These vegetables are very flavorful and come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors and textures that will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. They can steamed,...

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  4501 Hits

How do I Cook Beans?

How do I Cook Beans?

Foods that have sustained many different cultures for many centuries are generally quite simple to prepare. This is true with beans. There are really only four steps between us and a pot of home-cooked beans ready to be ladled over a bed of quinoa, mashed and folded into a tortilla, or sprinkled on a salad....

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What Does a Plant-Based Dinner Plate Look Like?

Starch-Smart® System: From Sun To Plant To Plate Starch-Smart® System: From Sun To Plant To Plate

"I have really been thinking about . . . how best to describe the principles of a healthy diet, and I think, plant-centered, minimally processed, calorie dilute, low SOS [salt, oil, sugar] & variety, really sums it all up," says Jeff Novick, MS, RD. But what does that look like when we sit down to...

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Oats 101 - A Buyer's Guide to Choosing Oats

Oats 101 - A Buyer's Guide to Choosing Oats

Oats come in many different shapes and sizes -- rolled oats, steel-cut, oat groats, quick and instant. Sound confusing? What's the difference? If you're asking these questions, Lindsay Nixon, creator of Happy Herbivore is here to help. Her article, Oat Types, Rolled and More, describes each form of oat product and what purpose it serves in...

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Learn the Basics of Plant-Based Cooking

Learn the Basics of Plant-Based Cooking

Once we're convinced that plant-based is the best path to optimal health, we're faced with a new question: How can I cook this way? Our good friends at Forks Over Knives can help. Starting January 5, 2016, they offer an online class that starts with the basics and works up to over 100 whole-food, plant-based,...

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  3630 Hits

How to Make Non-Dairy Milks

How to Make Non-Dairy Milks

One of the first changes people make after deciding to go plant-based is swapping out their dairy milk for a plant-based option. The refrigerated aisle at the grocery store has plenty of choices — soy, almond, and rice are all popular alternatives. (Coconut milk is also available, but has a very high amount of saturated fat.)...

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  5538 Hits

How to Replace Eggs in a Recipe

How to Replace Eggs in a Recipe

After you've done the research...and learned how the "incredible egg" isn't so "incredible" after all, you'll want to put this knowledge into practice by learning how to make substitutions for eggs in recipes. Cooking without eggs and using alternative ingredients can seem challenging at first, but don't worry, it can be done! After a few...

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Plant-Based Meals Delivered to Your Front Door!

Plant-Based Meals Delivered to Your Front Door!

Did you know that there are numerous businesses that will purchase plant-based food for you, prepare it, and deliver it right to your front door? Dustin Rudolph PharmD, also known as The Plant-Based Pharmacist, has compiled a list of services that provide either fully cooked ready-to-eat meals, frozen meals, or fresh ingredients that allows you to...

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  4859 Hits

Simplify Meal Planning with These Helpful Guides

Simplify Meal Planning with These Helpful Guides

Once you've made the commitment to eating an oil-free, whole-food, plant-based diet, you will then be wondering "How do I plan meals without using all the foods that I used to enjoy?" Don't worry, there's numerous resources available that will help guide you through planning nutritious (as well as delicious) meals for your family! Preparing...

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  6368 Hits

Is There a Difference Between Canned and Cooked Beans?

Is There a Difference Between Canned and Cooked Beans?

My Starch-Smart® System recommends eating a serving of beans twice a day. Does it get tiresome? Not at all! Beans come in so many varieties; they can be prepared and enjoyed in so many different ways! There are garbanzos, pintos, black beans, adzuki, and mayocoba--to mention just a few--and each one has its own flavor profile. Beans...

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  7141 Hits

How to Caramelize and Sauté Without Using Oil

How to Caramelize and Sauté Without Using Oil

"Caramelize onions without using any oil? No way!" That's a pretty typical first reaction to those who are starting to eat an oil-free, plant-based diet. Not only can it be done, but renowned Chef Del Sroufe will show you how in his step-by-step video from Wellness Forum Foods. Chef Del has perfected the technique of caramelizing...

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  5440 Hits

How to Make Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese

How to Make Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese

For most people, cheese was the hardest item to give up after making the switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet. This is no surprise, since cheese contains opiate-like compounds which are physically addictive. Although it may have been difficult to give up, avoiding any form of dairy will improve your health significantly! Many people wonder...

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