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Ask the Doc!

Your Questions Answered
In Dr. Carney's Starch-Smart® System seminars, written questions from participants are collected beforehand, protecting their privacy. In this informative video presentation, Dr. Carney shares the answer to many of those frequently asked questions - with complex scientific evidence made easy to understand. Learn the answers to what you've always wanted to ask, and so much more!

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I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis in 2013 after a thorough workup. I still have symptoms after extensive medical treatments, including hyperbaric O2 therapy, acupuncture, and essential oils treatments. Do you have experience in treating this condition? If so, what has been your success?

Dave Schmitz
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Hello Dave,

Yes, Dr. Carney has experience is treating Interstitial Cystitis. It is not something that she can do in a public forum though because she would need to ask questions of you and receive answers which would not be HIPPA compliant (your privacy could be compromised) on a public web site. You are welcome to call our office if you are in Texas or traveling to Texas. She needs to see her patients in person in Texas in order to order tests, diagnose disease and provide treatment plans, including prescriptions.

However, if you are not able to come in person and do not need her assistance as your medical doctor then you are most welcome to arrange a Food Coaching session with her. These are available on our other web site located at https://www.vegvor.com/advice and have been a great help to many people. She can then discuss food and other lifestyle measures and you would keep your current local physician to assist you with your medical needs.

I hope that you can take advantage of one or the other of these options.


Comment was last edited about 8 years ago by Sean Carney Sean Carney
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Hello Dr. Carney,
I have changed over to DECAF Coffee from Regular. I was a big coffee drinker. These days I do 1 to 2 cups of Decaf. Can you please let me know the risks of drinking even decaf coffee. I am a woman and I do struggle with my weight.
Will omitting Decaf coffee be a huge benefit? I know for all the other health reasons it is recommend to quit even decaf. I wanted to get your expert opinion on drinking decaf coffee.. ..even at 1 -8oz cup a day. Thank you for spreading the message about the dangers of Caffeine.

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Yes, omitting DeCaf coffee will assist you towards your health goals in a way that drinking DeCaf coffee will not. If a person needs DeCaf coffee for a week or 2 to deal with the caffeine withdrawal headaches, the person would be wiser to stop DeCaf after those 2 weeks are over.

Linda Carney MD
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Hello Vic,
I would like to invite you to create an account here at DrCarney.com so that you can become a part of some of the support groups and discussion groups. Thank you for your question. Feel free to ask more. After you are signed up as a member, notifications will be sent to you when anybody replies to your comment.
Here are some discussions: https://www.drcarney.com/discussions
Here are some support groups: https://www.drcarney.com/community/groups

Comment was last edited about 5 years ago by Sean Carney Sean Carney
Rated 5 out of 5
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I had a friend over the other day and one of Dr. Carney's videos, "Why we do what we do" was playing softly in the background. He is first generation Chinese, 63 very smart, quiet man, and we were just joking around and talking. Out of the blue he said to me, "Everything that woman says is absolutely true, and is also easy to understand. I want to do her diet." He had put on weight and was feeling "his age" (really, he was feeling "his diet"). I'm putting Starch-smartest into practice fast as I can, I told him, and we went over some things he could do to improve his diet. He said once he makes up his mind that's it, no need for reminders, etc. I do believe him. Years ago, this man helped finance the Tianemen Square revolt where all those people were killed, and he had to flee China or his life was in danger. He's a very tough guy with a good heart. I've been on WFPB for 6 years, but lacked the other things from starch smart that I am doing now, like timing sleep, big breakfast, etc. Thanks so much for all the wonderful information. I agree with my friend about Dr, Carney (THAT woman) :) Bob Luhrs
Robert Luhrs
Rated 5 out of 5
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