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Perfect Health Requires Perfect Circulation

Blood Flow Boosts Vitality
Do factors that affect artery linings create or ease your aches and pains? Explore the link between impaired circulation and health challenges. How does blood flow relate to health troubles? Learn how Dr. Carney's science-based Starch-Smart® System can improve your circulation and overall health by nourishing endothelial cells at the start of your day.

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Cancer Prevention & Women's Health
Diabetes in Retreat
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Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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I watched Dr. Carney on JulNov today (2/8/2019) and now find it impossible to claim my free gift, which is to be a free download of one of Dr. Carney's videos. I would like the one about circulation. Thank you. Wanda Dibble

Wanda Dibble
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I have been so busy today contacting all the people about their free gifts. Because we are letting people choose their free gift it is taking longer. But, I am really happy to give you a download code. I am going to send you a private message now via this web site because the code you receive will be unique to you and because I need to know which video you would like to download.
Look for that message momentarily.


Sean Carney
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Wanda, I just sent you the code. Did you receive it. Please let me know once you receive the code, once you have downloaded the code and how you liked the video. Thank you kindly for participating in the summit.

Sean Carney
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I watched the presentation given by Dr. Carney on Plant Super Powers on 2/8 and could not claim the free gift.

Joan Werner
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Hello Joan,

Thank you so much for participating in the summit. We are grateful that you listened and are interested in Dr. Carney's videos. I just sent you a download code for the video Cancer Prevention & Women's Health before discovering that you had placed a comment here on Perfect Health Requires Perfect Circulation. Now, I am assuming this was the video you wanted to receive.

So, for you... a bonus. I will also sent you a download code for this video. You should receive an email notification as I will be sending you a private message with the download code using Dr. Carney's private messenger application that operates on this web site.


Sean Carney
Rated 5 out of 5
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