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From Sun to Plant to Plate

From Sun to Plant to Plate

As depicted in the Starch-Smart® Logo: Health is gained by eating foods deriving their energy directly from the Sun. This is the Starch-Smart® cycle of life! The closer we are willing to stick to this simple plan the better our health will be. The further we choose to stray from this simple plan the less health we will enjoy. Straying far from this simple plan causes the great majority of diseases. These 'Lifestyle' diseases can often be reversed by returning to the original plan. We encourage you to receive your energy first-hand from plants rather then second-hand from animals.

It is as easy as;

  1. The Sun beams down energy on planet earth.
  2. Plants absorb this energy and store it as Starch.
  3. We eat these Plants to receive their stored energy.

Foods that should not pass from our lips to our hips:
The Starch-Smart® System avoids all foods described using the acronym "MODERN" as follows:

M:  MEAT (creatures with a mother)
O:  OIL (fats separated from natural fiber)
D:  DAIRY (animal mammary gland products)
E:  EGGS (yolk or the whites)
R:  REFINED (Fiber modified or removed)
N:  NARCOTIC (add salt, sugar and fat to addict)
      Note: Alcohol & Caffeine, are also addictive

The MODERN diet described in three simplified steps:

  1. First, the food industry removes natural water from plant foods to concentrate the calories.
  2. Then fibers are modified by blending and grinding to ultra small particles or by complete removal.
  3. Finally, they add the addicting properties of extra-curricular Fat, Sugar, Salt and Animal Proteins.

For more information about the perils of the MODERN diet please read our article entitled "M.O.D.E.R.N Diet Destructive to Human Beings"

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Controlling Cravings: Have you ever asked yourself "Why did I eat that?" Get science-based answers, now! Gain freedom from addictions. Understand underlying causes. Make lasting changes more easily than ever. Strengthen your ability to choose healthy foods through empowerment from Dr. Carney's Starch-Smart® System. Let's boost your 'biochemical willpower' for good. Help is here, from Linda Carney, MD, for all who struggle with bad habits, food fixations, and cravings.

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Beans, Greens, Squash and Yams
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