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Dr. Carney's Care Philosophy

Dr. Carney's Care Philosophy

Linda Carney MD helps you to prevent and reverse disease! So many health problems are worsened by lifestyle habits, such as inappropriate nutrition, inadequate sleep, drinking, smoking, lack of exercise and stretching,  as well as negative thought patterns. Dr. Carney helps patients prevent and reverse disease through balanced lifestyle changes, and in particular, demonstrates how to implement anti-inflammatory, high fiber, nutrient dense plant-based, Starch-Smart® dietary changes. She also prescribes medicines when necessary or when her patients choose not to believe that certain foods or habits contribute to illness.

After spending years working as an Emergency Physician, Dr. Carney realized that she would rather be like a FENCE of protection, at the top of the cliff, instead of like an AMBULANCE at the bottom of a cliff. Her emphasis on Whole Person Care helps to prevent people from falling off the cliff, down into illness.  She also helps repair people whose health was impaired after slipping off of that cliff.  Dr. Carney simplifies the science so that all may understand how lifestyle choices may impair health or promote health.  The best evidenced-based medicine has scientifically proven how disease may be reversed by adopting a plant-based diet of whole foods with less than 20% of calories from fats.   This web-site points you towards science that is credible, effective, and peer-reviewed.

Another fitting analogy is that of being like a WARNING sign placed before a bend in the road that is washed out ahead, but whose threat is not yet visible from where the WARNING sign is located. Dr. Carney believes that most people want to be warned if their health habits are steering them towards danger.  Sadly, and unfortunately, not everyone believes that certain lifestyle habits are contributing to that danger.

Although she loved practicing medicine at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, in the San Francisco Bay area of her native California, Dr. Carney traded the practice of corporate medicine for operating her own primary care practice since 2006 as a solo physician, located in Buda, Texas.  This allowed her the freedom to focus on reversing disease naturally, with less pressure to prescribe medications or tests, so that prevention of disease could supersede the corporate world's demand for financial productivity. Her hourly rate of income sunk by 75% but her level of satisfaction increased greatly due to helping MANY people to lose weight, heal disease, and improve their quality of life. "That trade-off was worth it!"  Dr. Carney says.  It is thrilling for Dr. Carney to see her patients not only control their diseases through medications but actually reverse and or irradicate their diseases, frequently resulting in no longer needing medication. Results include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Cancer patients in remission
  • Diabetics whose blood sugars are under control naturally, no longer requiring medications
  • Heart Disease patients whose cholesterol levels dropped lower than they ever imagined possible, with some now in the essentially "Heart Attack Proof" range
  • Weight Loss for people who believed they had already tried everything, but never tried the lifestyle advocated by Dr. Carney
  • Greatly improved sleep and the increased energy levels, and numerous other health benefits, that accompany restful sleep
  • Restored Cognitive Function and reversal of anxiety-laden thought patterns
  • Reduction in discomforts of menopause, PMS, or menstrual cramps or irregular bleeding
  • Sexual function restoration
  • Reversal of anemia, acne, asthma, rhematoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and low back pain
  • Assisting young athletes and body-builders attain peak performance and physique
  • Reductions in the symptoms of ADD and ADHD
  • Prevention of dementia
  • Lowering blood presssure naturally without drugs

Truly, perfect health depends on perfect circulation. Our vascular system is so important to every part of our body, that it deserves to be monitored regularly via biomarkers (numbers), such as our weight, blood pressure, & lipid levels, (cholesterol, etc), to prevent atherosclerosis from accelerating the aging process and the breakdown of our joints, senses, and memory, among other potential risks. Every day, our immune system is strengthened or weakened by the foods we choose. The immune system, much of which is located in our intestines, searches our body daily for abnormal cells, destroying them before they can multiply into a cancer. Don't lose hope if you have a strong family history of cancer. Optimizing your lifestyle choices now can make a difference in your cancer risks.  Even if you already have been diagnosed with cancer, lifestyle changes offer hope.

Health education is so important to Linda Carney MD that she maintains a well-stocked library of Health Education DVDs, which are available not only for purchase but also for her patients and the public to come and watch, free of charge. For those patients wishing to spend no more money than necessary on drugs and surgery, Dr. Carney offers book recommendations and online videos to help you optimize your health through good habits. Lifestyle changes can help to make you healthy by choice, not by chance. Ask to see our cooking demonstration videos!

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Blood Flow Boosts Vitality: Do factors that affect artery linings create or ease your aches and pains? Explore the link between impaired circulation and health challenges. How does blood flow relate to health troubles? Learn how Dr. Carney's science-based Starch-Smart® System can improve your circulation and overall health by nourishing endothelial cells at the start of your day.

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