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March 2013 Austin Health Retreat

March 2013 Austin Health Retreat

Our seventh Medical Directorship opportunity for Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 Diet Immersions was conducted again in Marble Falls Texas. This one was also open to the public and so a nice mix of Whole Foods Market employees and public individuals were present. We even had one of Dr. Carney's patients from her Medical Practice in Buda, Texas in attendance for which we were very grateful. And, so was she!

We find there are generally some changes in each of the programs that can cause us to get results slightly different from previously held retreats. So, we keep learning each time. In this case one main difference was that during all the previous programs we had assisted with there had always been beans on the breakfast bar. Beans are an excellent breakfast food because of their high fiber content and seem to really help in stabilizing blood sugars. Another thing that happened at this event was that the participants were fed peanuts and avocado on the day before the final blood draw. We had a suspicion that the blood sugar results would not be as good for this group as with previous groups which did iindeed prove to be the case. However, that said, once again we can see that low fat plant based living can significantly improve blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure in less than one week.

One of the things we have observed in the seven programs we have been invited to be a part of so far is that the human body will rid itself of Cholesterol and stabilize blood pressures and blood sugars in a very rapid amount of time if we just stop putting the high fat standard american diet into our systems. We are consistently seeing what appear to be miracles occuring in four or five days. It is certainly heart breaking to think of all the medication dependant people who could be helped so quickly, if only they and their medical providers believed. Hopefully the numbers and statistics at the bottom of these retreat pages will help to convince some!

While we applaud the use of plant-based nutrition for gaining optimal health and reversing disease conditions we also want to emphasize that a person with disease conditions should be sure to work with a physician to monitor their lab results while changing your diet. This is the only way to really know how the dietary changes are working. We have seen too many people make health decisions for themselves based on faulty understandings that have been harmful to themselves. We cannot just say "Whoo Hooo, I am eating carrots now so I can dispense with all my medications!" That said, medications can be dispensed with safely once the lab result numbers are all in a safe zone. So, consult your physician as you make lifestyle changes!

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Vitals and Labs Comparison

  • We observed that serving avocado and peanuts both on the day before a final blood draw appears to negatively impact the drops in blood sugar. We also suspect the lack of beans for breakfast as at all the other previous retreats may also have played a part. But, that said, we still saw improved numbers in a very short time frame!
  • 68
  •   14 March 2013
  •   19 March 2013
  • 5
  • 65
  • 8,065
  • 7,254
  • -811
  • 124.08
  • 111.60
  • -12.48
  • -10.06%
  • 5,373
  • 4,770
  • -603
  • 82.66
  • 73.38
  • -9.28
  • -11.22%
  • 11,415
  • 11,328
  • -87
  • 175.62
  • 174.28
  • -1.34
  • -0.76%
  • -46
  • -38
  • -7
  • 65
  • 12,086
  • 10,468
  • -1,618
  • 185.94
  • 161.05
  • -24.89
  • -13.39%
  • 8,108
  • 5,730
  • -2,378
  • 124.74
  • 88.15
  • -36.58
  • -29.33%
  • 5,983
  • 5,943
  • -40
  • 92.05
  • 91.43
  • -0.62
  • -0.67%
  • -62
  • -267
  • -118
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