Dr. Carney believes in live-in Health Programs that teach people the HOW as well as the WHY of plant based living. Being involved in actively helping with these programs is a great highlight of our lives. We had currently always thought that effective Lifestyle change required participants to spend a full month at a retreat based on the experiences of Dr. Carney's husband, Sean, who worked for many years at Silver Hills Guest House (Now Silver Hills Spa) in British Columbia conducting lengthly lifestyle programs.
Early in 2010 Dr. Carney was fortunate enough to be invited to become the Medical Director for seven programs of one week long intensive lifestyle change. Saying yes to this offer has been a highly rewarding experience. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, right in line with the Care Philosophy of Dr. Carney, and so her Medical Practice at AllMedPhysicians, pLLC has closed twice yearly, for the past three and a half years, while Dr. Carney, her husband, and their staff participate in the health programs. Now we know that a week can be incredibly effective provided the right follow up and support is in place. That said longer programs are desireable when it is possible to get away longer periods of time. These lifestyle education programs are life changing not only for the participants but also for the staff of AllMedPhysicians and for the chefs, and other workers, at the resorts hosting the lifestyle programs. This is a wonderful introduction to the benefits of All-Plant living, in a very tangible, and effective (think delicious and beautiful) way.
Dr. Carney attended these programs primarily to provide Medical Care to the participants but she also particpated in giving her Lectures on Women's Health. She also teaches the participants, in another talk, about how to interpret their blood results.
Many of the speakers during these week-long seminars are world class authors and lecturers who we consider it a great privilege to know and now to count as our colleagues and friends. Their lectures are incredibly eye opening for all in attendance, including us. We have been privileged to listen to lectures from movers and shakers in the plant-based world including the likes of:
- Caldwell Esselstyn Jr, MD - Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
- Rip Esselstyn - The Engine 2 Diet
- T. Colin Campbel, PhD - The China Study
- Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN - DVDs; Lighten Up, Calorie Density, Should I Eat That?, From Oil to Nuts
- Pam Popper, PhD - The Wellness Forum
- John Robbins - Diet for a New America, The Food Revolution
- Doug Lisle - The Pleasure Trap
- Michael Klapper, MD - A Diet for All Reasons
The week culminates in a graduation ceremony that is to us the absolute highlight of the event. To see the changes and hear the personal testimonies of the many participants is absolutely heart-warming. We would highly recommend any lifestlye programs that the people above would be involved with.