Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., MD has long been a hero of Dr. Carney's for his work in disease prevention, and in particular Heart Disease, using plant-based nutrition. Dr. Carney considers working with him one of the highest privileges and honors in her career. She has had the privilege to be the Medical Director now for five lifestyle programs where he has spoken. These were full week-long programs and we have had wonderful opportunities to get to know him and his wife, Ann since the first program conducted in March of 2010.
Back in February of 2008, Dr. Carney received a call from her colleague and friend Clarence Ing MD, from the Weimar Institute in California, encouraging her to attend the American College of Preventive Medicine's annual conference being held in Austin, Texas. This was easy to attend as we live close to Austin, so Dr. Carney closed the office in order to attend. While in the registration line she noticed that she was surrounded by Caldwall Esselstyn, Jr. MD, T. Colin Campbell PhD, John McDougall MD, and others. That evening she was invited to dine with them at Casa de Luz, a favorite vegan restaurant in Austin. Dr. Carney was able to get to know the other Doctors as they discussed together her practice in Buda and encouraged her that what she is doing is right, even if it is difficult. This encounter led to the eventual invitation for Linda Carney MD to become the Medical Director for a series of lifestyle programs.
We are embedding a video except from a talk given by Dr. Esselstyn in which he explains what causes the majority of heart attacks and how to make yourself Heart Attack Proof in just three to four weeks time.