Are you ready to take steps towards a more health-supporting diet, but aren't sure how to begin? If so, Rip Esselstyn from the Engine 2 Diet, has combined the basic concepts of plant-based nutrition into a 28-day, Nationwide Engine 2 Challenge. This simple action plan has transormed the life of thousands of people. It can work for you and for the people you love.
Follow along with Rip, as he demonstrates step-by-step, how to overhaul your kitchen by removing disease promoting foods and replacing them with delicious, health-promoting, plant foods. Rip also offers meal planning suggestions, recipes, shopping lists, and a guided grocery store tour. Rip takes the guess work out of switching to a whole-food, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet, making it an easier transition. Sign up for free, download the e-book, and take the first step towards optimal health and wellness today! Rip Esselstyn's 28-Day Engine 2 Diet Challenge.
I have closed my office seven times for a week at a stretch to work for Rip as the Medical Director for his first seven Engine 2 Immersions programs (now called Retreats) and have seen up front and personal the effectiveness of his approach.