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Dietary Fats May Raise Ovarian Cancer Risk

Slash Ovarian Cancer Risk by Reducing Dietary Fat Slash Ovarian Cancer Risk by Reducing Dietary Fat

Estimates show that 1 in 78 women in the United States will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer at some point in their lifetime. Unfortunately, ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. Affecting the female reproductive system, it kills more than 100,000 women worldwide and nearly 14,000 in the United States every year. Studies show that ea...

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Eggs Promote Bowel Cancer

Eggs Can Be Poison to the Bowels Promoting Colorectal Cancer Eggs Can Be Poison to the Bowels Promoting Colorectal Cancer

Every year, over a million new cases of colorectal (Bowel) cancer are diagnosed worldwide, and more than 700,000 persons die from the disease annually. According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 53,200 Americans are expected to develop colorectal cancer in 2020. Colorectal cancer rates in the USA increased among people you...

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  14061 Hits

Dietary Flavonoids Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

Colorful Flavonoid Rich Fruits Colorful Flavonoid Rich Fruits

Alzheimer's dementia is a major threat to the health of aging Americans. About 1 in 10 people, age 65 years and above, will develop Alzheimer's disease. Currently, an estimated 5.8 million Americans have Alzheimer's type memory loss, and this number is expected to rise to about 13.8 million by 2050. Alzheimer's disease is debilitating, destroying m...

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  7069 Hits

Whole Grains May Protect Against Esophageal Cancer

Healing Whole Grains Bathed In Sunshine Healing Whole Grains Bathed In Sunshine

Esophageal Cancer is one of the most deadly cancers of the digestive tract. In the United States, it accounts for 1% of all cancers diagnosed in this country.The incidence of esophageal cancer has risen by more than 700% in the past four decades, making it the fastest growing cancer in the United States, according to the Nationa...

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Whole Grains Slash Stroke Risk

Stroke Risk Foods Stroke Risk Foods

Each year, more than 790,000 Americans suffer at least one stroke which occurs when blood supply to certain areas of the brain is cut off. Without oxygen-rich blood, brain cells get damaged and can die within a few minutes. This results in disabilities and in most cases death. Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death i...

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Dietary Fiber May Help Ward off Endometrial Cancer

Dietary Fiber May Help to Avoid an Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis Dietary Fiber May Help to Avoid an Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis

More women are being diagnosed with endometrial cancer than ever before. The National Cancer Institute reports that Europe and North America have the highest incidence of endometrial cancer globally. "Endometrial cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women in the United States and the incidence has been increasing," says Leah Mechanic (Ph.D, M...

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Soy Foods Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Reduce Your Risk of Clogged Arteries Leading to Heart Failure Reduce Your Risk of Clogged Arteries Leading to Heart Failure

In 2017, a study that evaluated the relationship between soy food consumption and cardiovascular disease risk revealed that individuals can fend off cardiovascular disease by consuming generous portions of soy foods regularly. The study analyzed nutritional and medical data from 17 published studies. At its conclusion, it was found out that consumi...

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  4257 Hits

Antioxidants Sprouting Up

Antioxidants Sprouting Up

A Russian scientist group published a database of the antioxidant content in over 1000 foods, including sprouted seeds grains, and legumes. Dr. Michael Greger shows us how the nutrient content changed dramatically after these foods were sprouted. One grain in particular increased its antioxidant content by 20 times after sprouting. After the seed, legume, or...

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  5021 Hits

Eat Plant Foods to Reduce Dementia Risk

Dementia Can Be Slowed and Even Prevented

​Every 3 seconds, someone in the world develops dementia. In the United States, between 4 to 5 million people are suffering from dementia. A 2016 study that investigated the relationship between dementia and mortality risk suggests that this brain disorder may even kill more persons than cancer and heart disease combined as the number of people dyi...

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  4489 Hits

An Apple a Day Keeps Colorectal Cancer Away?

Apple on Tree with Sunburst in Background Apple on Tree Absorbing Life Giving Energy from the Sun

An apple a day may help to keep the doctor away. This statement is not news to many of us. But most of us are not aware that an apple a day may also help keep colorectal cancer away. A growing number of studies have shown that generous consumption of apples can help to prevent the onset of colorectal cancer. A 2009 study that explored the asso...

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  2847 Hits

Three Diseases Linked to Sugary Beverages

Sugary Drinks Increase Gout, Hypertension and Kidney Disease Risk Sugary Drinks Increase Gout, Hypertension and Kidney Disease Risk

The sugary beverage industry spends billions of dollars on advertisement and marketing campaigns aimed at showing us the sweet side of their products. But what these advertisements do not tell us is the bitter and unhealthy side of these drinks. Regular consumption of large quantities of sugary drinks can lead to some serious he...

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  3442 Hits

What's the Best Cooking Method?

What's the Best Cooking Method?

At dinner time, when you're holding an arm full of vegetables, do you ever wonder which cooking method is best so that you preserve the most nutrients? This is a frequently asked question. Thanks to a study conducted by a group of food scientists, we now have some answers. The study was entitled: Influence of...

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