DrCarney.com Blog

Health - Food - Science - Community

Terms of Service

Welcome to DrCarney.com

By using our products or services or registering as a user on the site, you agree to this site's terms of use as provided by All Plant Foods, LLC. 1760 FM 967, Suite B, Buda, TX 78610, United States.  Users agree to be bound by these Terms of Use even as these Terms of Use may be modified in the future. 

The Terms of Use will remain visible within the user profiles of all registered users for easy access as well as linked to from the footer of every page on the DrCarney.com Site.  In the event that any term or terms of service outlined here become non-enforcable, the remaing terms of service will not be affected and will remain in force. Feel free to check the terms of service frequently.

COPPA - Child Online Privacy and Protection Act

All users must be 13 years of age or older to register in this Community to be in compliance with COPPA, also known as the Child Online Privacy and Protection Act of 1998.  We do not have an adequate way to secure the privacy of children and youth since COPPA is a law in the United States requiring websites which can potentially collect information from minors under the age of 13 to have written parental consent or some other method of legal guardian acknowledgment, allowing the collection of personally identifiable information from a minor under the age of 13. For this reason we have made the decision to disallow the ability to register on this web site for children under 13 years of age.

DrCarney.com Site Etiquette

Users agree to abide by Dr. Carney's Starch-Smart System in our community Social Interactions, Dicussion Forums, Blogs and Recipe Sharing as follows:

  1. Do Not Use: Meat, Dairy, Oil, Eggs, Fish, and Other Sea Animals, Caffeine, Alcohol, Vinegar or Black Pepper.
  2. Discourage Use of: Processed Sweeteners, Baking Soda and Baking Powder

The Internet is full of sites where you can find and share recipes with the above ingredients.  We are trying to fill a different niche here and we ask that you would please respect our unique approach.

Users agree to use family friendly language without the use of profanities since parents may still share portions this site with their children. As well, we really are not fans of profanity. If you feel you must vent then use special characters to denote your frustration such as &$#!@. 

Users agree not to flame (Aggressive and Angry Posts) other users regardless of differences of opinion.  This includes any form of harassment or attacks on the character of an individual. If we find somebody flaming others they will be asked to stop and if the behavior continues asked to leave, or worst yet, cut-off from the service.

Please report any aggressive and angry posting to the site Administrators. If you feel desperate to flame we have been told that potato chips are highly flammable. You might want to light some of them on fire instead. It is also a great way to show people how horribly greasy they are!

Please try to keep all discussion board posts on-topic.  We reserve the right to move a post that is off-topic to a more relevant discussion topic at our sole discretion.

Selling of products on the DrCarney.com Site is expressly prohibited without our prior approval. Please contact us to seek permission. We may be open to creating some sort of advertising agreement with you but that will be at our sole discretion.  We are very particular about the type of products we will want to see promoted and we also do not want this to become a commercial marketplace.

Do not under any circumstances harvest email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, or any other personal information from this web site. 

Be extremely careful who you share personal information with. The site uses https (secure protocol) to hopefully protect your posts from being grabbed by 'sniffers' or 'robots' as people view pages on this site. But, we cannot guarantee the security of any information posted on this site except for our online store, which is hosted at https://www.Veggievore.com.

This site is not to be used for the purposes of trying to raise money for any cause. If you have a cause that you want to raise money for please approach us and we may be able to work with you.  Again the decision to help will be solely at our discretion.  We want people to able to trust this site.

Any posts on this site become licensed to All Plant Foods, LLC., as outlined in more detail further on in this terms of use document, and may not be reproduced in any fashion without a written and signed agreement with All Plant Foods, LLC.

Any Intellectual Property posted to this site such as Images and Videos, remains the property of the content submitter as outlined in more detail further on in this terms of use document. 

DrCarney.com Site Agreement

You must agree to follow any policies in this Terms of Use document or as posted in various sections of the site which may have additional policies which may apply. If there are additional terms they will become a part of this agreement if you choose to use the services.

The content on this site is not all the property of All Plant Foods, LLC. Some content on this site will be the Intellectual Property of the various registered members who are sharing their intellectual property. You may not use content that belongs to our registered users without obtaining permission from the content owners, unless the sharing of said content is permissible by law. We are unable to review all content posted on this site.

We may send you service announcements, messages of administration and other information.  Some of this information you will be able to opt out of.

You will need to be a registered DrCarney.com Site user in order to use much of our social networking services.  Please carefully guard, and keep private, your login and password information. Please use a unique password for this site and not one that is used at other sites as well. You are responsible for all activity that happens through your account in the event of a breach of your login and password. Do not share your login and password with others. Each user must have their own login and password.

No Anonymous Posting

We are a community of people trying to help and encourage each other in either learning more about or adopting Dr. Carney's Starch-Smart System. As such we require that no users post anonymously. Also, we ask that your Profile avatar not be misleading in any way. Do not pretend to be somebody besides yourself.

Privacy Policy

Please read our Privacy Policy which explains how we will treat your personal and private data that is collected upon registration and throughout your experience on the DrCarney.com Site.

Only Post Original Content

Please only post your own original content. Re-Posting of other peoples content from the web is not allowed. Do not copy and paste articles and blogs from other web sites into your posts! You are encouraged to write editorial reviews of other content on the web,  providing commentary and recommendations. In these cases quoting from articles and blogs on other web sites is allowed. When quoting from other web sites make sure to give credit to the original content source, providing a link to the original content.

Copyright Protection

Please notify us in the event that you find a potential copyright infringement on this web site.  We will do everything in our power to prevent copyright infringement but since we are a public forum we will not be able to police every posting to the DrCarney.com Site.

Content Protection

Your content which you upload, submit, store send or receive using our services will remain your property.  You retain your intellectual property rights in that content.  However, by uploading, submitting, storing, sending or receiving content within the DrCarney.com Site you do give All Plant Foods, LLC. a worldwide license to host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as translations, adapting, or changing to improve the use or your content within our services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute this content.  You grant us permissions through this license to be used for the purposes of operating, promoting and improving our services. The license continues even if you stop using our services.

DrCarney.com Site Software

This service is built using "Open-Source" software some of which is freely availabe and some of which is licensed by All Plant Foods, LLC or AllMedPhysicians, pLLC from various software vendors. We are not responsible for any damages due to the failure of any software on the DrCarney.com Site.

We cannot guarantee the reliability of any software used in this service and make no committments about the availability or reliability of the DrCarney.com Site.  We will do our utmost to keep the software running in a dependable fashion.  It is not in our best interest, or yours, for the software to lack functionality or cease to function altogether.  In the event of a system failure we cannot assume any liability for any loss or damage.

Commercial Use of the DrCarney.com Site

Any business that uses the DrCarney.com Site accepts these same terms as outlined for individuals and will hold harmless and indemnify All Plant Foods, LLC and AllMedPhysicians, pLLC and their affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from any claim, suit or action related to or arising from the use of the DrCarney.com Site.  We do not assume liability for any violations of these terms of services and will not be liable for expenses arising from claims, losses, damages, suits, judgements, litigation costs and attorney's fees.

Changing or Terminating Services

We reserve the right to add and modify our software and services at any time in an endeavor to improve our service. This enables us to add or remove any feature or functionality at our own discretion. However, we will make every effort possible to inform all users in the event that some feature or funtionality is about to be removed for the purpose of allowing you to copy the content to another location.

In the event that you are not pleased with the DrCarney.com Site you are free to leave at any time although we hope that will not happen. We will be sad to see you go.

We May Revoke DrCarney.com Site Access

In the event of violations of the Terms of Service we reserve the right to disable or delete the account of any user of this DrCarney.com Site that is out of compliance with these Terms of Service.

Legal Jurisdiction

The laws of Texas, United States of America, will apply to any disputes arising from or related to these terms of service.

This document was last updated on October 3, 2016

Privacy Policy
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