Generally being known as a drug dealer is a thing of shame, unless of course you are a Pharmacist in which case honor and respect come with the turf. So, it is a little tongue-in-cheek that Dustin Rudolph describes himself as a drug pusher for over a decade. But, he does it for a good... Blog
Meet Del Sroufe, a plant-based diet celebrity, renowned chef, and author of several popular plant-based cookbooks. Chef Del admits he was a "junk food vegan" and speaks candidly of how easy it was to become morbidly obese since his diet was based on high-fat, high-calorie vegan junk food. Chef Del's weight eventually topped the scales...
Tracye McQuirter is a 30-year vegan with a master's degree in Public Health and Nutrition. She has written the nationally best-selling book By Any Greens Necessary, which was the number one recommended vegan book on The Huffington Post. She has helped increase the number of black vegans and vegetarians to more than three million people and has been...
"Most disease promoting genes do NOT determine disease risk. It is the choices we make consciously or unconsciously that largely determine our future health," says Wes Youngberg, DrPH. In a twist on Shakespeare, he continues, "'Our fate, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves.' What a great opportunity we have – even...