
Assuming cardiovascular is required, and disease is required, the following results were found.

  • Women's Health Concerns

    Heart disease , osteoporosis , autoimmune diseases , obesity , and breast cancer are some of the common conditions that affect the lives of women. However, in his Women's Health article, Dr. Joel Fuhrman states that, "These conditions are largely...
  • We Say Calcium, You Say ?

    If we were to say the words "calcium," "protein" or "iron" what images or words would that bring to your mind? If you were to answer milk, eggs, and beef, you're not alone. Most of us are not aware that we have fallen for the clever marketing...
  • 97% of People Are Deficient in This Nutrient

    Protein is the most valued of all nutrients, making it a popular and controversial topic of conversation. Most everyone following a plant-based diet has been asked the question, "Where do you get your protein from?" This question comes from the...
  • The Empty Medicine Cabinet

    We are pleased to introduce to you Dustin Rudolph PharmD , also known as The Plant-Based Pharmacist. Rudolph fulfilled his childhood dream to become a clinical pharmacist believing that conventional medicine (pills and procedures) would help sick...
  • Instilling Healthy Eating Habits In Children

    If your child ran into the middle of a busy street, what would you do? Because you love your child - without hesitating, you would shout to him to stop and come back. You'd race to the middle of the street, pick him up and run to safety because you...
  • Alcohol Consumption Increases Risk for Cancer

    The following information was taken from the article 9 Cancers That are Increased by Drinking Alcohol written by Dustin Rudolph PharmD, or better known as The Plant-Based Pharmacist and author of The Empty Medicine Cabinet . Cancer is the second...
  • Juicing Removes More Than Just the Fiber

    Those making the transition to a nutrient-dense, plant-based diet typically begin drinking freshly made fruit juice in the attempt to provide additional nutrients to their diet. If you have been considering purchasing a juicer, you may want to save...
  • Low-Carb Diet = Higher Rate of Mortality

    AnimalEverywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we thought it would be helpful to start...
  • ED is a Warning Sign of Clogged Arteries

    Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is often referred to as " the canary in the coal mine ?" This expression originates from the time when coal miners would carry caged canaries into the mine to detect carbon monoxide or other poisonous gas...
  • What will Your Child's Future Look Like?

    As a parent, you make many choices throughout the day concerning the health and safety of your children. Adequate sleep, proper dental hygiene, and getting enough fresh air and exercise are just a few of the many good habits you instill in your...
  • Medical Care = Third Leading Cause of Death

    "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." These are wise words spoken by Hippocrates , an ancient Greek physician that is "considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine." The Hippocratic Oath which is named after...
  • Should we be Concerned about Phytic Acid?

    Inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6) is the scientific name of what is commonly known as phytic acid, or simply "phytate." Phytate is a naturally occurring phytochemical found in grains, legumes, and nuts. It is often referred to as an "anti-nutrient."...
  • Eat, Don't Toss Those Apple Peels!

    Many people are unsuspectingly throwing away a valuable resource in the fight against cancer. Apple peels have been found to be effective against the proliferation of cancer cells. Dr. Michael Greger's video, Apple Skin: Peeling Back Cancer , shows an...
  • Sugar - How Sweet it is!

    We've all heard that white sugar is a refined product that's devoid of any nutrients, and how high-fructose corn syrup has led to an epidemic of obesity and poor health. So it's natural that we look for alternative sweeteners. Although honey,...
  • Lacto-Fermented Foods Linked to Esophageal Cancer

    Did our ancestors have wisdom that we can recover to help us with our modern health problems? Both the Weston A. Price Foundation and the promoters of Paleolithic diets claim this is the case. They suggest that the deficit of lacto-fermented foods in...
  • Endocrine Disrupting Hormones Found in Food

    As a doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine, I stay up-to-date on the most current scientific literature regarding how our food choices impact our health and wellbeing. For this reason, I'd like to share with you the findings of several medical...
  • Vegetable Consumption Being Sidelined

    Let's talk about trends. If you're a banana, a carrot, or a head of lettuce, the future isn't looking too bright for you right now. The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBHF) commissioned a study and found that fruit and vegetable consumption has...
  • Uncommon Diet Leads to Uncommon Health

    Have you ever tried to "go vegan" and found yourself failing for lack of support? You're not alone. The Humane Research Council (HRC) conducted a study to identify the key reasons people either adopt or give up a vegetarian or vegan diet. The HRC Study...
  • Finding Relief for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    It is believed that as many as 1.4 million Americans suffer with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Symptoms can include diarrhea, constipation, bowel urgency, stomach pain, cramping, bloating, bloody stools, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, skin...
  • Eating Meat Raises Estrogen at Cellular Levels

    We see the evidence of over estrogenization all around us. Men and women, boys and girls in modern society are all suffering. Over estrogenization is closely related to the amount of excess weight we carry. According to the Center for Disease Control...

Results 381 - 400 of 472

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