The Marshall Plan
The newly released film, The Marshall Plan , is a must-see film for anyone desiring optimal health and wellness! This inspirational film will help you to reconsider conventional thinking when it comes to treating our nation's second leading cause of... -
Be a Part of the Plant-Pure Nation Movement!
Have you ever wanted to shout, "What is the truth?!" as you sift through the conflicting health advice available on the internet and elsewhere? If so, then you'll want to watch PlantPure Nation . This documentary will not only show you the truth about... -
Who's Influencing Your Children?
As a parent, you make many choices throughout the day concerning the health and safety of your children. Adequate sleep, proper dental hygiene, and getting enough fresh air and exercise are just a few of the many good habits you instill in your... -
Red Meat Increases Stomach Cancer Risk
Numerous studies have examined the impact of diets on incidence of stomach (gastric) cancer, including whether certain foods increase or decrease the risk of this cancer. One food that has been highlighted in these studies is red meat. So the question... -
Does a high intake of green leafy vegetables protect from NAFLD? Evidence from a large population study
The tendency of developing non alcoholic fatty liver disease may be low among habitual consumers of green leafy vegetables. This study attempted to answer the question: is frequent eating of green leafy vegetables beneficial for the prevention of non... -
Dietary fiber intake and risk of incident disabling dementia: the Circulatory Risk in Communities Study
A high fiber diet may be helpful in warding off dementia. This study investigated the incidence of dementia in a study population comprising of consumers and non-consumers of high fiber foods. Among the 3,739 Japanese adults aged 40-64 years who... -
Mushroom intake and risk of incident disabling dementia: the Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS)
Upping the level of consumption of mushrooms may help protect women from suffering from dementia. This study evaluated the hypothesis that high dietary ingestion of mushrooms may be beneficial for dementia prevention. Researchers followed 3,739... -
Incidence of Teen Stroke on the Rise
Stroke is no longer considered a disease of old age. Strokes are now occurring in younger people as well. Dr. Joel Fuhrman says that, "These diseases come about due to the accumulated effects of years of poor diet and lifestyle habits. As the standard... -
Prevent-Reverse Disease With a Plant-Based Doctor
Large population studies confirm a direct correlation between the rates of chronic illness and the percent of animal products consumed in the diet of that population. As the percentage of animal and processed foods rise, so does illness - cancer, heart... -
Are all Carbs Bad?
Obesity rates have skyrocketed and has grown to concerning proportions in the last decade. It's estimated that 80% of adults in the U.S. are overweight. In fact, due to rising obesity rates in children, doctors are seeing an alarming number of children... -
Dairy Intake Blocks Antioxidant Absorption
Milk + Berries = No Antioxidants - What's more enjoyable than a big bowl of fresh, juicy berries with a little milk poured on it? Simple. Classic. Healthy... Or is it? While berries are brimming with antioxidants, researchers have discovered that you... -
Can Low-Carb Diets Impair Brain Function?
Chances are, you have many friends or family members that have been lured into eating one of the many types of low-carb diets. These high animal protein, carbohydrate restrictive diets promise quick weight loss results without having to exert much... -
The "Not-So-Manly" Drawbacks From Eating Meat
While men associate meat with masculinity, it comes with several "not-so-manly" drawbacks as Dr. McDougall candidly points out in this four-minute video clip . Dr. McDougall passionately forewarns men, using straightforward language, that eating meat... -
Following the Finns to Find Finer Health
The Mediterranean region of the world is famous for its supposed Mediterranean diet. An emphasis on whole plant foods — fresh vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, and replacing butter with a plant-based oil — gives the Mediterranean diet some... -
Anthropologist Debunks Paleo Diet
Loren Cordain, PhD, founder of the Paleo Diet movement, says, "The starting place for optimal human diets Ares [sic] the minimally processed fresh meats, seafood, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts that were the staple of our ancestral diet." But... -
Eden Valley Institute
Offering both 10- and 18-day live-in sessions, patients will receive a personalized treatment plan upon careful evaluation on their first day. By following the NEWSTART principles of nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest, and... -
Phytic Acid in Grains? No Problem!
One of the concerns we hear about eating grains and legumes from the low-carb, high-protein advocates is that grains/nuts/legumes contain a compound called "Inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6)" or better known as the anti-nutrient phytic acid or phytate.... -
But Doctor, Do I HAVE to Eat Kale?
The environmental movement isn't the only one to advocate "going green;" physicians, nutritionist, and medical researchers are all trumpeting the benefits of "going green" at mealtimes, and kale seems to be the focus of all the buzz. But just exactly... -
Crunching the Science on Juicing
Juicing fruits and vegetables was once considered the healthiest of the health trends. Many of us have invested in a juicer, and if we haven't, we probably know friends, family members, or coworkers who have. Those "into" juicing talk about all the... -
Fruit and vegetable intake and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Low type 2 diabetes risk is associated with frequent consumers of diets rich in green leafy vegetables. This research work was carried out to determine the correlation between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and the risk of type 2 diabetes...