
Assuming dairy is required, the following results were found.

  • Whole Plant Food Diet Suppresses Cancer Cells

    A team from the Nathan Pritikin Research Foundation conducted a study which took blood samples from various groups of people that ate different diets. Their blood was then dripped onto cancer cells growing in a petri dish. The results demonstrated how...
  • Today's Children Not Expected to Outlive Their Parents

    Losing a child is every parent's worst fear. No one would argue that nurturing and protecting our children to the best of our ability should be one of our highest priorities. We make sure our children get enough sleep, do their homework, brush their...
  • Plant-Based Nutrition for Kids

    Adopting a plant-based diet for your family can be one of the best decisions that you can make for your child's health and wellbeing. The time and effort you invest in educating, planning and providing nutritious foods for your children will help...
  • Could Erectile Dysfunction Save Your Life?

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S ., (killing one out of every three persons ), so it's no surprise that men in the U.S. have the highest percentage of Erectile Dysfunction (ED), since ED is indeed a cardiovascular...
  • Is Weight Watchers Good for Your Health?

    "This is the joy for me. I love bread," declares Oprah, her arms open wide to the possibilities of her Weight Watcher's Plan. "I have lost 26 pounds, and I have eaten bread every single day." The commercial's emphasis on bread is a visceral call to a...
  • Diet for a Cancer Diagnosis

    Some of the scariest words we can hear are, "You have cancer." When we or a loved one receive these words, we immediately begin looking for the hope and the help in this situation. At home, the big question often becomes, "What should I eat now that...
  • Prostate Cancer Linked to Western Diet

    Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in US men. 1 out of every 7 American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lifetime, and 1 in 39 American men will die from prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the third...
  • Western Diets Promote Alzheimer’s Disease

    The number of Americans who are suffering from Alzheimer's disease is increasing at an alarming rate. Every 66 seconds, someone in the United States develop Alzheimer's disease . Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder in which the death of brain...
  • Using Diet to Prevent and Treat Breast Cancer

    In 1982, Dr. John McDougall published the very first study accepted in a scientific journal regarding diet and the treatment of breast cancer. He believes that the rich Western diet causes breast cancer, and a change in diet makes a huge difference in...
  • Childhood Diet Linked to Asthma

    Over 8 percent of children are affected by asthma which involves inflammation and narrowing of the airways . I used to be one of them. As a child I suffered from recurrent asthma that occasionally had me going to the hospital. I was sure it was just...
  • Lisa's Daughter Resolved Chronic Ear Infections

    Lisa's daughter was almost two when she began to have recurrent ear infections. She went to see two Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Doctors that suggested that her daughter have tubes surgically inserted into both ears. Lisa wasn't comfortable with this...
  • What's in Your Holiday Turkey Besides Stuffing?

    Traditional holiday celebrations typically feature a turkey or other poultry product as the centerpiece of the meal. In fact, 46 million turkeys are eaten every Thanksgiving and 22 million for Christmas in the United States. Yet consuming poultry...
  • Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in men and women: cohort studies.

    High consumption of milk may increase bone fracture and mortality risk in men and women. This study was carried out to determine the association between milk consumption and mortality and fracture risk. Using food frequency questionnaires, researchers...
  • Milk, dietary calcium, and bone fractures in women: a 12-year prospective study.

    Milk and other calcium-rich foods are not associated with lower risk of bone fractures in adult females. This study examined the relationship between the consumption of milk and other calcium-rich foods and bone fracture occurrence in women. Using...
  • Does milk have a cataractogenic effect? Weighing of clinical evidence.

    Lovers of milk may be highly vulnerable to acquiring cataracts. ​This study assessed whether high intake of milk can increase an individual's likelihood of having cataracts. A group of researchers looked at the milk consumption levels of hundreds of...
  • Whitewash: The Disturbing Truth About Cow's Milk and Your Health by Joseph Keon

    including: Prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers Osteoporosis Diabetes Vascular disease Crohn's disease Many of America's dairy herds contain sick and immuno-compromised animals whose tainted milk regularly makes it to market. Cow's milk is also a sink...
  • Flush Away Constipation with Fiber!

    Once the diaper stage is over, no one really talks to us about our bowel habits. And if we have questions, who is there to ask? That's where I can help out. In my medical practice, I see patients all the time who are constipated . Quite a few of them...
  • Are Allergies Linked to Nutritional Factors?

    As someone who suffered from asthma and allergies since childhood, I'm very familiar with the tight breathing, the nasal congestion, and the throat irritation associated with those conditions. For most of my life, I'd eaten what I thought was a pretty...
  • Three Cancer-Promoting Foods

    Each year, 12.7 million people discover that they have cancer and 7.6 million persons die from this disease yearly. Cancer is responsible for 1 out of every 6 deaths recorded worldwide, making it the second leading cause of deaths globally....
  • Male Fertility and Diet

    Ten to fifteen percent of couples desiring to start a family discover that they are infertile. In about half of these cases, the husband is found to be the one infertile. Increasing the intake of saturated fat by just 5 percent was observed with a 38...

Results 121 - 140 of 317

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