
Assuming high is required, and blood is required, and pressure is required, the following results were found.

  • Why Eating Legumes May Help Your Heart

    Whenever possible, eat a daily serving of legumes, which are an essential component of every heart-healthy diet . (Beans! Beans! Good for your heart!) The legume family of split peas, beans, lentils, and dal is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and...
  • Endothelial function is impaired after a high-salt meal in healthy subjects.

    High-salt diets may impair endothelial function in healthy individuals. This study evaluated the effect of dietary salt on endothelial function. Researchers assigned 16 healthy subjects with normal blood pressures into two groups. One group was placed...
  • Effect of soy isoflavones on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

    High dietary intake of soy isoflavones may help to reduce the blood pressure of individuals with hypertension. This study assessed the effect of increased dietary exposure to soy isoflavones on blood pressure. Researchers studied dietary and clinical...
  • Association of Fried Food Intake With Prehypertension and Hypertension: The Filipino Women's Diet and Health Study

    Sticking to a diet high in fried food can trigger the onset of pre-hypertension and hypertension in women. Pre-hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure value of 120-139 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure value of 80-89 mmHg and hypertension is...
  • What Factors Influence Testosterone Levels?

    Commercials promoting testosterone therapy for men are becoming increasingly popular. These commercials target men who are experiencing symptoms of muscle loss, fatigue, weight gain, depression, difficulty concentrating, low libido, elevated lipid...
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages increases the risk of hypertension among children and adolescence: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

    Children and adolescents who are regular consumers of sugar-sweetened beverages may have a high likelihood of being diagnosed with hypertension. This study assessed how frequent sugar-sweetened beverage consumption affects blood pressure in children...
  • The effect of a low-fat, plant-based lifestyle intervention on serum HDL levels and the implications for metabolic syndrome status - a cohort study.

    Low-fat, plant-based diets are associated with low plasma levels of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and improved cardiovascular health. The level of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood is commonly used as an indicator of cardiovascular and...
  • Dietary Polyphenol Intake, Blood Pressure, and Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies.

    Increased intake of foods rich in anthocyanins can help to fight off hypertension. ​This study assessed the impact of high dietary exposure to polyphenols and flavonoids on the risk of hypertension using a meta-analytic approach. A total of 20 studies...
  • Six Salty Foods that Sabotage Heart Health

    "A large number of studies have been conducted, all of which support the concept that salt intake is the major factor increasing [blood pressure] in the population. The diversity and strength of the evidence is much greater than other lifestyle...
  • Intake of Dietary Fiber From Grains and the Risk of Hypertension in Late Midlife Women: Results From the SWAN Study

    Daily dietary ingestion of fiber from grains may protect middle-aged women from hypertension. This study examined whether an association exists between the intake of fiber from grains and the onset of hypertension in middle-aged women. With the aid of...
  • Using Flax & Chia Seeds to Fight Breast Cancer

    What are Lignans and Where are They Found? Lignans are anti-carcinogenic chemical compounds found only in plant foods. The plant foods which contain the highest level of lignans are also very high in fiber. Flax and chia seeds in particular contain the...
  • Is Weight Watchers Good for Your Health?

    "This is the joy for me. I love bread," declares Oprah, her arms open wide to the possibilities of her Weight Watcher's Plan. "I have lost 26 pounds, and I have eaten bread every single day." The commercial's emphasis on bread is a visceral call to a...
  • What's in Your Holiday Turkey Besides Stuffing?

    Traditional holiday celebrations typically feature a turkey or other poultry product as the centerpiece of the meal. In fact, 46 million turkeys are eaten every Thanksgiving and 22 million for Christmas in the United States. Yet consuming poultry...
  • From Survive to Thrive: Patty's Cancer Journey

    I followed Dr. Carney's blogs online for a long time before making my first appointment. Three years earlier I had become plant based due to a breast cancer diagnosis. That was an adjustment. I finally started to get into a groove with support groups...
  • Fifteen Tips to Avoid Holiday Temptations and Weight Gain

    Holiday celebrations center around friends, family, food, and fun. Yet celebratory meals typically include many rich, calorie-dense foods ; resulting in a 5-10 pound weight gain for most people. For those that are young, trim and not reversing a...

Results 61 - 80 of 108

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