
Assuming sad is required, the following results were found.

  • Should a Vegan Diet be Considered Child Neglect?

    Occasionally, it happens. Loving parents who've read the research on the advantages of a plant-based diet are accused of neglecting their children by refusing to give them animal products. Currently in Italy, there is proposed legislation that would...
  • Dairy Products Promote Prostate Cancer

    Stop for a moment to think about what milk is and what it was designed for. Milk is the white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It provides the primary source of nutrients for suckling mammals " before their digestive system has matured...
  • Only 15 lbs Heavier than 30 Years Ago?

    Headlines today proclaim that the average American's weight has increased at least 15 lbs in the past 30 years. Are you at all surprised? I personally was surprised that the number was only 15 lbs and not any higher. Unfortunately I have not yet been...
  • Treating Kids to a Healthier Halloween

    Every year as October approaches, many parents are concerned whether or not their children should participate in trick-or-treating. As their children contemplate which costume they wish to wear, mothers struggle with how to guide their children through...
  • Is Oil Really a Processed Food?

    Oil can be a controversial subject among plant-based diet advocates. There are many who believe that omitting meat, eggs, milk, and other animal products like cheese and yogurt is enough of a dietary change to improve our health. I wholeheartedly agree...

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