•   schweitzer53 commented on this post about 5 years ago
    I get confused about advise to handle leaky gut. I love Dr. Carney's recommended meal plan for the ability to keep me satiated. The problem is that I think legumes and yams may be foods I don't tolerate well. Should I just go with them in a low fat vegan high nutrient diet? Will my body heal? Otherwise I feel I am eliminating some much needed foods. I also don't eat nuts but do eat chia and flax seeds.
    • Are you willing to elaborate on why you believe legumes and yams are foods you cannot eat?
    • I've been dealing with leaky gut too. Have your symptoms increased? Is that why you think these foods might be a problem for you? Some people doI've been dealing with leaky gut too. Have your symptoms increased? Is that why you think these foods might be a problem for you? Some people do experience bloating and gas when they increase their fiber intake--with beans and more high fiber foods--especially if these foods are new to them. I don't know if that fits you,   More ...
    • with some foods my fingers swell. Some times I get cankers. Some times I have problem sleeping and have histamine issues where I get itchy skin, mywith some foods my fingers swell. Some times I get cankers. Some times I have problem sleeping and have histamine issues where I get itchy skin, my throat, mouth and nose feel like I have allergies  More ...
    • I have actually been using a lot of yams and sweet potatoes for energy. I just completed a marathon with a time better than I have had in awhile. II have actually been using a lot of yams and sweet potatoes for energy. I just completed a marathon with a time better than I have had in awhile. I am luckier than most but do have these food intolerances that have been increasing, and increased reactions; so I need to get this healed up. I don't know if I can heal if I use a food that might cause a histamine reaction. I am confused because I know beans are probably the best food I can use for healing  More ...
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