Russell, you are absolutely correct that plaque reversal in the coronary(heart) and leg arteries has definitely been demonstrated by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr as he has reported in several journals and you can see the images in the book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease as well as in the movie...
MoreRussell, you are absolutely correct that plaque reversal in the coronary(heart) and leg arteries has definitely been demonstrated by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr as he has reported in several journals and you can see the images in the book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease as well as in the movie Forks Over Knives. One of the study participants actually says in the movie that the guys in the study noticed that they had 'no trouble raising the flag', thus indicating that the plaque in the penile arteries was also being reduced if not reversed. I think that may be the answer you are looking for. =) That would be an unequivocal "YES!"
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