• Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I stopped by. Our family is going through some health challenges these days. We all contracted Covid this past December. I have since been dealing with complications from catching it--mostly abdominal pains and extreme fatigue, sometimes bordering on exhaustion. Recovery has been slow, but I feel better when the weather is warm and the sun is out. I try to spend time in the sun whenever it is out. Here in Michigan, that isn't everyday. But I take advantage of it whenever I can. My husband has had increasing problems with food sensitivities. He has been unable to eat wheat for many years, but ever since he had his gall bladder out, his food sensitivities have increased. He cannot eat onions, garlic, white potatoes, nutritional yeast flakes, and other herbs. We don't understand what is going on, except to say he may be dealing with a leaky gut. We take a daily probiotic which I hope may help someday.
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