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  • Great post, Ken! I'd love to know your opinion about how to factor exercise into your control system. I'm a T1D, plant based whole foods low fat McDougall style. My A1c hovers around the 5.6 - 5.8%, total cholesterol is about 120 mg/dl. I too have a doctor who tells me my A1c is too low and...

    Great post, Ken! I'd love to know your opinion about how to factor exercise into your control system. I'm a T1D, plant based whole foods low fat McDougall style. My A1c hovers around the 5.6 - 5.8%, total cholesterol is about 120 mg/dl. I too have a doctor who tells me my A1c is too low and dangerous. I'd like to get my A1c to the low fives. I haven't needed to bolus since being plant based. I take 4 units of Levemir at breakfast, and 2 units at the evening meal. I walk 6km (1 hour) before breakfast, and ride my bicycle for 2 hours after breakfast, every day. If I don't exercise, I need 30 units of Levemir instead of 6. Fasting bgl is around 90 mg/dl. After meals, I do get a spike, up to 220 mg/dl. Three hours later it is down to the 70s. That's the effect of both the tiny bit of Levemir and exercise.

    I would like to flatten the post meal spikes, but am concerned about exacerbating the exercise effect with rapid insulin, which would guarantee hypos every time. One option would be to eat smaller meals more frequently. Do you have experience with regular exercise in your regimen? I would love to know your take on this.
    Regards, Rien in Australia.

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