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  • Hi Ken,

    Thanks for your extensive and informative response. You have definitely challenged me to get rid of my post-meal spikes, and achieve a better sync. My endocrinologist is going to be so unhappy!?

    I will start this new challenge today, probably with the midday meal first. Diabetes never...

    Hi Ken,

    Thanks for your extensive and informative response. You have definitely challenged me to get rid of my post-meal spikes, and achieve a better sync. My endocrinologist is going to be so unhappy!?

    I will start this new challenge today, probably with the midday meal first. Diabetes never gets boring! I mean this in a positive way. I'll just have to work out the practical details. Fortunately I have the Libre flash glucose monitor. It shows me my sugar at any time, a graph, and a trend indicating how fast my sugar is rising or falling, or steady.

    The bike ride will take some logistics. At present my sugar before breakfast is around 4.6 mmol/L (83 mg/dl). I eat, then ride. During the ride bgl goes up to about 9 mmol/L (162 mg/dl). By the time I get home two hours later it is back to 4.6 mmol/L (83 mg/dl). I do not inject rapid at present, and will have to think carefully how I will flatten that spike.

    Sorry about the jargon, bolus means rapid insulin (Novorapid in my case), as opposed to basal (Levemir). I was on Lantus, but it got me in trouble a few times. When I manage to inject into a blood vessel or a skinny spot, instead of slow acting, it becomes fast acting. Scary.

    I am very grateful to you for your blog. It prompted me 18 months ago to switch to a plant based starchivore way of life. It has been a wonderful journey, and I feel absolutely great.

    I have been worried about the spikes, but my endo assures me they will do no damage. I do not quite believe her in that respect.

    I will keep you informed about my progress.

    Thanks again,

    Rien Hofman.

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