July 7, 2017
  24 Replies
  19.1K Visits

The story about Ken Thomas entitled Ken's Engineered Type 1 Diabetes Whole Food Plant Based Low Fat Lifestyle proved to be extremely popular, generating many questions and comments to the point that we decided it might be easier for people to find this information if it was included in a forum dicussion. Hence the creation of this post. Feel free to join the conversation here. 

7 years ago

Here is a link to an article Ken wrote about his logs and logging. He also provided links to download his logs although you may need to tweak the numbers for metric:



7 years ago

I received a question about over testing after meals and over correcting for a resulting high. I thought I would share my answer here:

I would not imagine testing too often being an issue. I never want to turn a blind eye to my blood-sugar. I want to know where I'm at, at any given minute. When I try a new food item, I will test every 15 minutes from consumption for about 2 or 3 hours, so I can plot its effect. That information is important for injection timing (how far to precede the meal), and the dose amount. If there is a dip then a rise, the dose precede time should be reduced. If it rises then falls (in less than an hour), the dose precede should be lengthened. When you get it right, it will stay flat then slowly taper down after 2 or 3 hours. My precede time averages around 10 minutes for a large potato, but sometimes it is as short as a minute or as long as 30 minutes (depending on state of insulin resistance). If I see that I'm going over 5.5 (100mg/dl), I will go ahead and add some correction and log it. Experience will tell how much correction is needed, but I no-longer worry about over correcting. If I think I might have over corrected, then I just keep testing and follow the rate of change. From that, I can predict when I will drop under 3.9 (70mg/dl) and can have a fruit snack that fits that timing to level it out. If the over-correction is huge, I will add some starch to the fruit. There have been occasions when I accidentally took insulin twice for a meal - a double dose. No problem, I always have snacks on hand and testing lets me know what's happening before I actually "crash". Testing after a fruit "boost" lets you learn how fast a particular fruit works and how much is needed for a particular fall rate.


6 years ago

Hi Tara,

I went WFPB/LF this past January 2018.  I was coming off of a low carb/keto diet that I had been doing for several years on the advice of several t1d groups online. My insulin resistance has improved quite a bit since going WFPB/LF. I am T1d, diagnosed in 2010 and I also use an Omnipod pump with Dexcom G5. Ken's info has been IMMENSELY helpful to me in transitioning to a WFPB/LF diet. I am experiencing more high BGs that I'd like, but am working on that! It's a process but I'm learning!

6 years ago

Hello Everyone, 

I just started something new at DrCarney.com that we are actually excited about which is the creation of groups for specific topics. The first one I created is for Type 1 Diabetes Support. I also just created one for Weight Control Support. The advantage of using a group over these discussions is that with a discussion every time we add a comment the document just gets longer and longer. And, if we want to change the topic somewhat it can be tricky to follow. 

With a group we can also create as many discussions, relevant to the subject matter of the group as we want. We can also submit videos of relevance in the videos section, podcasts in the podcast section, etc...  And the discussions that we create from within the group will be available as well from within the Discussion Forum. There will be a Groups link added to the Forum navigation bar if you are a member of any groups. 

I wish you would all check out the group and even consider jump starting a discussion there. There is also the ability to share documents which I have not tried out yet but want to try. 

Here is the URL for the access to the groups from the Club - Community Menu: 


Check it out and let me know what you think. Also, I am planning to add all of the people who have participated in this discussion into the Type 1 Diabetes Group. I hope that is ok. Otherwise, you can remove yourself from that group or ask me to remove you. 


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