February 4, 2018
  3 Replies
  4K Visits

I was reading a paper by Jeff Novick about fast food ideas that are not calorie dense. He wrote, "The problem with whole grain processed products (like bread, dry cereal, etc) is that even though they are whole grains, they are still calorie dense. One of the only exceptions is whole grain pasta. The reason is, when you cook whole grain pasta, it absorbs some of the water it is cooked in, which is absorbed into the structure of the pasta, lowering its calorie density." So, I am wondering if it would be okay to occasionally have some whole grain pasta on the Starch-Smartest plan. 

7 years ago

Hello Sue,

Jeff is great and he is correct in making the exception he makes for pasta because it soaks up water during cooking and becomes more calorie dilute. Dr. Carney makes the exception for people on the Starch-Smarter program but not on the Starch-Smartest. So, you may want to look at the differences between the two and see which program you want to be on: https://www.drcarney.com/starch-smart-system

Here is the criteria for Starch-Smarter and Starch-Smartest copied from the page I linked to above:



Recover Health

  • Recovery Program
  • For Medium Risk
  • Lower-fat Plant-based
  • Calories from Fat ~ 15%
  • Don't Eat Added Sugars
  • Minimal Salt

Reverse Disease

  • Reversal Program
  • For High Risk
  • Lowest-fat Plant-based
  • Calories from Fat ~ 10%
  • Only Sweetener = Fruit
  • Avoid Adding Salt

I hope this reply is helpful. 


7 years ago

I'm not planning on doing it myself--though I miss pasta. It's been one of my favorite foods for a LONG time. It would be easy for me to overeat. Is that the rationale? Or does it have something to do with blood sugar? I prefer knowing the reasoning behind things, not just having a list of do's and don'ts. 

7 years ago

Sue, the rationale for not including pasta in the Starch-Smartest category for disease reversal is related to both of your ideas. One is that they are more calorie dense. The other is that they are more rapidly assimilated into the blood stream. In the Starch-Smartest system which is for Disease Reversal as opposed to disease prevention processed foods are set aside. But, again for all the other programs they are certainly allowed. 

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