It's a valid question.
If I get hungry between meals, I drink water and remind myself of all the benefits of intermittent fasting.
I also evaluate whether or not I ate enough food at the prior meal that was sufficiently unprocessed, high in fiber and resistant starch, and whether or not I have brought enough food with me for the next meal that I feel prepared.
If I do not have enough food made for the upcoming meal (even if it coming up tomorrow AM) I try to manage my time so as to prioritize making some healthy dishes so that I can bring food with me where-ever I go.
Although I would not suggest my secret to those who not appreciate this method, my secret is to pray my way through hunger cravings in the evenings after 7 PM. More prayer, more power, in my personal life. But I do realize that this suggestion is not for everyone, so I do not suggest to my patients in the exam room unless they ask me point-blank.
On the other hand, if 9 PM is approaching and I feel so hungry that I either have to eat something or go to bed, I just go to bed and try not to fret about the difficulties of sleeping when hungry.
But those are just my personal strategies.
Everyone is different.
I am glad to hear that you do not usually feel hungry between meals, as that is a testament to your avoidance of refined processed sugars and flours, which can trigger hunger cravings eating binges.
Thanks for posting about your sucesses with the Starch-Smart System.
I'm proud of your excellent progress! :D
Sincere Regards,
Dr. Carney