June 21, 2018
  5 Replies
  3.4K Visits

I have some friends that have high cholesterol. They tell me, "It runs in my family." I know that could be possible, but I also know they are eating a high fat diet. Can you suggest a kind way to encourage them to take some healthy steps forward?

6 years ago

That is always a tricky issue to deal with. It is true that genetics 'load the gun' but they certainly don't have to pull the trigger. We also see that recipes also run in the family. What we see over and over again is that the one person in the family who decides to change how they eat ends up being the one person in the family that no longer suffers from the diseases which were thought to be genetic and hence inevitable. Right now there is a LOT of science about epigenetics. It is very good news that the genes expression can be turned off by lifestyle.


6 years ago

Here is a blog about an article Dr. John McDougall wrote that is relevant to this question:


6 years ago

Thanks Sean! I totally agree about the gun analogy. That came to my mind when they were talking with me. Unfortunately, they weren't in a listening frame of mind. I think if I suspected it ran in my family, I would be extra careful in my diet and lifestyle. But they aren't there yet. I'm praying there will be a time in the future when I can drop a few seeds to promote better health and hope as well. We don't have to be limited by our past. 

I've experienced this in my own life. My health does not mirror my parents, grandparents or siblings because I live and eat differently. I went to a reunion this past week and found I am much leaner and with more energy than most. I am so thankful for the health I've found in eating whole plant based with no oil! Thank you for all the help and support that's been helping me on my Health Walk. My leaky gut has improved to such a point that tomatoes no longer bother me and neither does gluten! I am praising God every day!

6 years ago

Wow Sue,  This is what we live for.  Reading your testimony here is really encouraging.  Thank you. 


6 years ago

I'm still moving forward--haven't reached all my health goals but I'm seeing such good progress that it gives me incredible motivation. I love my new way of life! This year at campmeeting I ran into people that haven't seen me for at least 6 months. Everyone commented on how trim I look. I'm on my way!! 


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