August 31, 2019
  4 Replies
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I know i have heard lectures from WFPB doctors stating that when one eats a diet that is more acid-based, one consequence is that calcium is leached form the bones to buffer the acidity. I have recently heard Dr. Greger in a Q & A, say that theory is false and is now disputed. Dr. Carney do you agree with this idea that newer research indicate calcium is not being leached. If that is true, then why is there greater bone loss and fracture rates among milk drinking people and what is the mechanism that dumps calcium into the urine and where is that calcium coming from?

Sean,  Yes, I think you've highlighted the most important take-away from this issue.  Countries consuming the most milk, have the most fractures.  Unfortunately, the old theory of leeching calcium from the bones is still mentioned by some doctors. Hopefully, they will learn that theory has been debunked so they stop talking about it.  Now I am going to post another perplexing issue, one I just learned about from Dr. Kim Williams. Perhaps after the downsizing, when you can breathe again, you and Dr. Carney might help figure this one out. 

In the meantime, best wishes for the changes in your medical practice and office. And remember, when you need a break, the Happy Vegan Couple has an open invititation for your visit! 

5 years ago

I found the videos interesting. One thing that came through to me is that the new research indicates that we may have been not understanding the underlying mechanism for the weekened bones regarding where the calcium that is being excreted in the urine is coming from, but we have all been correct in noting the correlation between the countries that consume animal products and their higher rates of osteoporosis. 

5 years ago

Thanks Denise for posting this. I am sorry to have been so slow to respond. We are downsizing our office this week and next and it is pretty much all consuming. Shrinking is harder than expanding. :-)  I am looking forward to watching this video soon. 


I posted the above comment a month ago and see there have been no responses. Today I found the answer to my question. It is all explained in this video by Dr. Greger. Unfortunately, some of our plant-based docs have old content on the internet that has the old theory and not the subsequent research. Here's the answer. Calcium is NOT leeched from the bones due to a high acid load from animal protein. And the video explains why:

PS: To understand then why countries drinking the most milk have the most fractures, the current theory is the milk sugar, galactose is responsible for the bone loss. Galactose also has other serious effects including early mortality and cancer.

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