October 8, 2019
  4 Replies
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I was listening to a great interview the other day and I heard something that was new information and contradicted what I had always heard about vitamin B12....

In a great interview video where Dr. McDougall interviews Dr. Kim Williams, I heard something new about vitamin B12 that surprised me. Dr. Williams said that there is a subgroup of people who need to limit their B12. What a surprise to me as I've heard that having too much B12 is not an issue for folks. So who is this sub-group? Men, over the age of 60, who are ex-smokers. Well that includes my hubbie, Georgie, and who knows how many others.... Dr. Williams said this group of people MUST keep their average daily B12 levels under 55 micrograms a day. This comment appears in the interview at 25:17 (for anyone who would like to watch). So hearing this, my questions become how does one really figure this out to ensure one's level is under 55 mg a day? And knowing this what does it mean for the B12 blood level and how does one ensure there is not too much B12 being stored in the bodies of this sub-group? Dr. Williams suggests one can take a B12 tablet and cut it up to smaller amounts to take but I don't understand how we actually figure out the best way to figure this out and do it correctly. Could you help any of us who need to do this to determine the best way to get it right? Thanking you in advance if you can help....

Here's the link to the interview and these comments take place at 25:17 into the interview.  



5 years ago

Hello Denise,

Thanks for the very interesting post. I know that Dr. Carney does B-12 testing on her patients to find out if they have too much or not enough. Monitoring is the only way to really know. :-)

Once we complete the move of the new office, I intend to kick back for a short time and watch the video you recommended. :-)

And, thanks for the invite to Tucson. I really like Tucson. Lots of great memories from when I lived there almost 40 years ago. 



Sure Sean, when you both have time, take a look at Dr. William's comments though I pretty much paraphrased them in my post.  And yes, while doing the B12 blood test gives us a level of whether we're in the appropriate range or not, I can't figure out how to assess Dr. William's advice for a daily average of 55 mg to what the blood test level shows and how to subsquently dose the supplement correctly. 

I didn't remember you lived here earlier in your life. I was here for freshman year of college, 1970-71.  -Denise

5 years ago
"Men, over the age of 60, who are non-smokers." Actually he said "Men, over the age of 60, and who are EX-smokers." Interesting no less.

D Robert White:  Thank you for pointing out I made a typo. I have just corrected it. Yes my hubbie is an ex-smoker and that prompted this question. 

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