
Assuming fat is required, and sugar is required, and salt is required, the following results were found.

  • Why John McDougall MD Recommends Salt Sugar Fat

    Yes, you read the title right! Dr. John McDougall recommends salt, sugar and fat! But before you run to the nearest store to load up on the double chocolate cream pies, please continue reading! This, of course, will be the only time you will see Dr....
  • What Could Be Better Than Natural Flavors?

    My guess is that you woud not be surprised to learn that mouth watering flavors are frequently engineered in laboratories, with their original inspiration often coming from whole natural foods. I do however believe you might be surprised at just how...
  • Food Processing Made Simple

    Some of the "Healthiest" foods that are being recommended to us are often 'Very Highly Processed' according to our understanding regarding how food is processed. This even happens in the world of "Raw Foods" where the definition of "Raw" is sometimes in...
  • How Industries Keep You Coming Back for More

    "Bet you can't eat just one!" Many of you may remember this popular slogan for a potato chip commercial from the 80's. What may surprise you is what measures the food industry takes to insure that you "can't eat just one." In the video clip below,...
  • Taming the cravings

    I've had a love/hate relationship with my bathroom scales most of my adult life. Up & down, up & down... sigh... Looking back at the heavier me, I see me eating a healthy vegan diet, but with lot of high fat foods such as oil, chocolate, nuts & vegan...
  • Is Oil Really a Processed Food?

    Oil can be a controversial subject among plant-based diet advocates. There are many who believe that omitting meat, eggs, milk, and other animal products like cheese and yogurt is enough of a dietary change to improve our health. I wholeheartedly agree...
  • Starch-Smartish

    Ideally Suited for: Those wanting to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables while moving toward a more natural, whole-food diet without completely changing their current eating style. Calories from Fat:...
  • Changing our Taste Buds

    Before switching to a plant-based diet, fast-food French fries tasted so much better than a plain baked potato, would you agree? There are two reasons that would explain this. The first reason is due to what Dr. Doug Lisle calls " The Pleasure Trap ."...
  • Olive Oil Not Heart Healthy

    The below eleven-minute excerpt from the 2012 Healthy Lifestyle Expo features Dr. Michael Klaper's presentation on "Salt, Sugar and Oil: What's The Problem?" Dr. Klaper starts out by emphasizing that we should eat "food as grown," - as it is found in...
  • But I Could Never Give up Meat-Dairy!

    After making the transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet, our renewed energy and wellness spurs our desire to share our new lifestyle with our family and friends. Unfortunately, our excitement many times is quickly subdued with blunt responses...
  • From Sun to Plant to Plate

    As depicted in the Starch-Smart® Logo: Health is gained by eating foods deriving their energy directly from the Sun. This is the Starch-Smart® cycle of life! The closer we are willing to stick to this simple plan the better our health will be. The...
  • M.O.D.E.R.N Diet Destructive to Human Beings

    So often we think of MODERN as good, or even best, and often it is when we consider technological advances and all that technology has done for us (although there are negative effects as well). Nevertheless, the one place where MODERN is decidedly NOT...
  • Fatty Foods Dull our Dopamine Reward System

    Like the tobacco industry, today's food manufacturers have discovered how to separate foods and put them back together again with super-saturated concentrations of sugar, fat and salt so that they produce effects similar to that seen in drug addiction....
  • Starch-Smarter

    Ideally Suited for: For those wanting to optimize their health and longevity. Requires an openness to changing preferred tastes and habits for increased health benefits. Calories from Fat:...
  • Beans, Greens, Squash and Yams

    Many of you are acquainted with our memory-jogging slogan "Beans, Greens, Squash and Yams" which is a definition of Starch-Smart® categories of food staples rather than the mandating of a restricted diet. In fact, the Starch-Smart® System of Dietary...
  • RE: Why do plant-based doctors advise those trying to lose weight to avoid healthy fats such as nuts and avocado?

    Hello Christina, Thank you for your thought provoking question. I would not want to speak for the other physicians but do know that Dr. Esselstyn was working with patients whose heart disease was so severe that they were basically told to go home, get a...
  • Are You Suffering From "Food Poisoning?"

    Food Poisoning? When we hear the scary words "food poisoning," we usually think of a sudden illness caused by eating a "bad" microorganism in a single contaminated food. Dr. John McDougall shows that common chronic illnesses are also caused by eating...
  • Starch-Smart®

    Ideally Suited for: Those looking for a maintenance lifestyle that boosts energy and balances good nutrition with current preferences for flavors and seasonings. Calories from Fat:...
  • Starch-Smartest

    Ideally Suited for: For those wanting to stop or reverse a diagnosed disease condition or those wanting a cleansing diet to reset their taste buds. Calories from Fat: ~ 10% calories from fat. Vegetables: Vegetables should be a cornerstone of your...
  • Which Foods are the Most Popular?

    What three ingredients do food manufacturers add to addict you and increase sales of their products? You will find these three addictive substances in the majority of today's hyper-palatable processed and fast foods. And... drumroll please... the three...

Results 1 - 20 of 40

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