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M.O.D.E.R.N Diet Destructive to Human Beings

M.O.D.E.R.N Diet Destructive to Human Beings

So often we think of MODERN as good, or even best, and often it is when we consider technological advances  and all that technology has done for us (although there are negative effects as well). Nevertheless, the one place where MODERN is decidedly NOT best, or even remotely good for us, is in our MODERN diet, created through a food supply system which is purely profit driven and designed to create maximum food addiction. This system of food availability, coupled with massive marketing dollars, ends up dictating the majority of our daily dietary decisions!

One would easily be led to believe that there is a World-Wide-War taking place in order to get ALL of humanity eating a MODERN and extremely self-destructing diet. (Oh how we long to see people reverting back to the good old-fashioned way their ancestors previously ate). We might call this World-Wide-War the "Battle of the Bulge", judging from growing waist lines (What a waste!) protruding almost everywhere! And, sadder than sad is that this is no longer a predominantly American epidemic! The rest of the world is wondering after us, and wandering far from the good old-fashioned simple and sensible Starch-Smart® foods of their not-too-distant past!

We describe the MODERN diet by the using the following acronym:


The MODERN diet described:

  1. First, the food industry removes natural water from plant foods to concentrate the calories.
  2. Then fibers are modified by blending and grinding to ultra small particles or by complete removal.
  3. Finally, they add the addicting properties of extra-curricular Fat, Sugar, Salt and Animal Proteins.

This is the point at which people become sitting (addicted) ducks... spending (hard-earned) bucks... on more and more toxic food combinations. We know from my "Why Do We Do What We Do Seminar" that people are just trying to feel good. But, it isn't working. We are getting sicker and sicker which creates a negative cycle, a sort of death spiral.  Fortunately, there is a better way! And for that reason my team has created this web site including Starch-Smart® System Social Networking. We felt the need to create a social networking site because so many people at our lectures and in our office constantly ask HOW do I change?  We envision a vibrant community of Starch-Smart "Veggievores" encouraging and assisting each other and using the site as a means to provide support to their family and friends.

Additional Information:

(1) Eat From Sun to Plant to Plate

(2) Dr. McDougall Says Humans are "Starchivores"


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