
Assuming protection is required, the following results were found.

  • World Health Organization: fruits and vegetable consumption.

    of this review support the growing body of evidence that high intake of fruits and vegetables may confer significant protection against the development of cancer.
  • The nutritional and health benefits of pulses in relation to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

    (iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium), and proteins. All these nutrients were found to confer significant protection against the development of chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases. The findings of this...
  • Acute blood pressure lowering, vasoprotective,and antiplatelet properties of dietary nitrate via bioconversion to nitrite.

    pressure and reduce cardiovascular disease risk. This study examined the effect of dietary nitrate on blood pressure, vasoprotection, and platelet aggregation. Researchers fed healthy subjects with 500ml of beetroot juice (rich in dietary nitrate). The...
  • Can Diet be Used to Treat Autoimmune Conditions Like Psoriasis?

    Psoriasis is a prevalent and serious inflammatory skin condition caused by an overactive immune system that attacks healthy cells within the body, believing that they are foreign substances. It is just one of 80+ autoimmune conditions . Psoriasis alone...
  • Plant-Based Nutrition for Kids

    Adopting a plant-based diet for your family can be one of the best decisions that you can make for your child's health and wellbeing. The time and effort you invest in educating, planning and providing nutritious foods for your children will help...
  • Will my children get enough calcium on a Starch-Smart® diet?

    started as soon as solid food is introduced. A well planned, Starch-Smart® diet provides optimal nutrition and powerful protection against childhood illness and chronic disease later in adulthood. When consuming a diet rich in whole foods, beans, nuts,...
  • Which Vegetables Reduce My Risk of Cancer?

    Do you have a history of cancer in your family? If so, you're most likely to be diagnosed with cancer as well, right? That's what scientists once believed, but exciting new research shows that the food choices we make on a daily basis have the ability...
  • Lower Your Cholesterol Using Fiber!

    If you're tired of all the side effects from taking statins to reduce your cholesterol, you may be interested in trying another approach that's safe, side-effect free, and shown to reduce cholesterol more than statins . What does this new approach...
  • Pomegranate's Powerful Health Benefits

    Pomegranate season is here! This beautiful fruit provides numerous health benefits and can be used to embellish many holiday dishes. According to two of Dr. Joel Fuhrman's articles, the time spent seeding this fruit is well worth it. The phytochemical...
  • Fiber's Role in Preventing Breast Cancer

    What is Fiber and What is its Purpose Besides "Keeping us Regular?" The word "fiber" may bring many thoughts to our minds. Helping us "stay regular" would be the most prominent thought for most of us. This is certainly true; however, fiber plays a much...
  • Avoid Dairy to Prevent Type-1 Diabetes

    avoiding exposure to others with contagious respiratory infections are all steps you can take to ensure the best possible protection against this debilitating disease." Once type-1 diabetes has developed, "Making changes to your diet and lifestyle by...
  • Healthy Food = Healthy Colon

    We're sure you will agree that colon polyps aren't exactly a popular topic of conversation. However, because they increase our risk of colon cancer (and over 35% of those eating the typical American diet have polyps) it's important for us to discuss...
  • Incredible Egg? or Incredible Marketing?

    Scrambled, fried, hard boiled, or poached - there's a way to prepare eggs to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. I'm sure many people have fond memories of eating bacon and eggs for breakfast with their families on weekend mornings. Eggs are heavily...
  • Fighting Breast Cancer With Chemo or Oatmeal?

    If you are a woman, what steps are you taking to prevent from being diagnosed with breast cancer? As Dr. John McDougall points out in the two-minute video below, most women believe that the best way to protect themselves is through early detection...
  • Antioxidants in Coffee vs. Vegetables

    Over the years, many of my patients have been addicts. Of course, they don't think of themselves that way. The word "addict" is pretty loaded and usually suggests something illegal. But coffee addiction is perfectly legal, and in fact, many people...
  • Hoping for Health but Missing the Mark?

    "There was a party at work, but there was next to nothing I could eat except the Oreos. At least they were vegan!" I hear this sort of reasoning every day in my practice. And I totally understand it. For years, I was a tater-tot vegetarian and thought...
  • How to Cut Winter Squash

    As you begin adding more whole plant foods to your diet, you'll want to take advantage of the many health benefits that Winter squash has to offer. These vegetables are very flavorful and come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors and textures that...
  • Dr. Carney's Care Philosophy

    Linda Carney MD helps you to prevent and reverse disease! So many health problems are worsened by lifestyle habits, such as inappropriate nutrition, inadequate sleep, drinking, smoking, lack of exercise and stretching, as well as negative thought...
  • Whole Grains Instead of Drugs?

    Evidence acknowledging the benefits of including whole, intact grains in our diets continues to increase. A recent study revealed that consuming just three servings of whole grains a day achieves the same benefits as taking blood pressure medications....
  • Smoking Increases Cervical Cancer Risk

    Most of us are aware of the many dangers of smoking to every part of the body. The US Department of Health and Human Services reported that smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes diseases, and reduces the health of smokers in general. But...

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