Dr. Carney was privileged to be interviewed by Lee Fulkerson, director of Forks Over Knives, during PlantPure Summit 2016. She was one of many excellent speakers. Her interview is embedded below:
DrCarney.com Blog
Linda Carney MD opened AllMedPhysicians, pLLC, her General Practice in Buda, Texas, in May of 2006 after moving to Central Texas from the Bay Area of California where she previously worked at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation Urgent care. The Medical Practice, AllMedPhysicians, pLLC is located just south of Austin Texas at 1760 FM 967,...
We have learned that when running programs for youth that seeing is always believing, or in this case; tasting is believing. For this reason we strive to present our signature desert for the youth which is banana, mango and berries (or some other frozen fruits) 'ice cream' made on-site with only freshly frozen fruits and...
Perhaps no audience is more attentive than those who have been impacted by cancer. Dr. Carney shares stategies for boosting the immune system and teaches which foods, and other lifestyle choices, have been shown to boost immunity and shrink cancers. She also teaches from scientific studies regarding which foods, and other lifestyle choices, have been...
In the lectures on Understanding and Overcoming Addictions Dr. Carney explains the Cycle of Addiction and why it is that some of us become addicted to various substances, or behaviors. None of us would consciously decide to become addicted to a hurtful substance or behavior. Instead there is a perceived benefit which leads people to...
Dr. Carney particularly enjoys speaking to women about all aspects of their Health. She developed a seminar on Womens Health from pregnancy to the end of life. Our entire life is effected by lifestyle decisions starting with decisions of an expectant mother that impact not only herself but also the ongoing health of her unborn...
Linda Carney MD helps you to prevent and reverse disease! So many health problems are worsened by lifestyle habits, such as inappropriate nutrition, inadequate sleep, drinking, smoking, lack of exercise and stretching, as well as negative thought patterns. Dr. Carney helps patients prevent and reverse disease through balanced lifestyle changes, and in particular, demonstrates how...
Linda Carney MD has been practicing medicine since 1986, graduating in the top third of her class at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. She completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at Loma Linda University Medical Center, scoring very high on testing (higher than the top 96th percentile in the nation on the 3rd year...
Dr. Carney became a vegetarian at nine years of age when a new step-father entered into her life who did not eat meat. The vegetarian philosophy she was raised with included the eating of dairy products, plenty of eggs, processed foods, fake meat analogs (images to the beasts) and many other refined food products not...