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A meta-analysis of alcohol consumption and the risk of gout.

Light, moderate, and heavy drinkers of alcohol are more likely to develop gout than non-consumers of alcoholic beverages.

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Rich Diet, Poor Joints

Rich Diet, Poor Joints

”... the rich ate and drank freely, accepting gout and apoplexy as things that ran mysteriously in respectable families ...”  English novelist George Eliot penned this line in her novel, Silas Marner, published in 1861. More recently, the United Kingdom's Daily Telegraph is reporting that gout, a painful joint condition associated most closely with Victorian era...

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Is Your Diet "Rich" Enough to get Gout?

Is Your Diet "Rich" Enough to get Gout?

Gout - the "Disease of Kings" - The incidence of gout has risen considerably in the last 40 years, affecting millions of men and women in the U.S. Gout is a type of painful inflammatory arthritis which is often referred to as the "disease of kings" because it was seen long ago in affluent classes such as...

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