DrCarney.com Blog

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Eating Out? No Problem!

Eating Out? No Problem!

Ok, so you've made the transition to a healthier, whole-food, plant-based diet, and you have been doing really well preparing your own meals at home. But ... You've just been asked to go out to eat with your friends at a restaurant. Now what? Don't lose hope. Watch this short video clip from the PCRM's...

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  9470 Hits

What's on the Menu?

What's on the Menu?

After making the transition to a healthy plant-based diet, you may find it difficult to find a restaurant that serves plant-based meals. Upon arriving at the restaurant, the menu features many choices, yet in your mind, you're seeing...."heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, autoimmune, and gout" for the main course. As you're desperately trying to...

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  8890 Hits

Food Prep Made Easy

Food Prep Made Easy

Preparing ahead of time can make or break our healthy plant-based lifestyle. The KISS principle (Keep It Simple Sweetheart and Keep It Starch-Smart) is still rule number one. Easy food preparation is the key to success. I would like to share some ideas we have found that might work for you. Lindsay Nixon, the Happy...

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  7382 Hits

Plant-Strong Kid-Friendly Snack Ideas

Plant-Strong Kid-Friendly Snack Ideas

If you're starting to make the transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet, then you have probably noticed that eating out can be quite a challenge. Social gatherings can also be intimidating, frustrating, tempting, and honestly... sometimes depressing. Add to this the responsibility of caring for children who may not want to appear different and compliance...

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  5280 Hits

Staying Plant-Strong on the Road!

Staying Plant-Strong on the Road!

Traveling while eating a whole-food, plant-based diet can be challenging at first, but once we learn a few basic principles, it becomes much easier. In the Forks Over Knives article "Plant-Strong on the Road!" Rip Esselstyn shows us how to plan ahead and offers important tips to keep in mind when hitting the road! If...

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  7400 Hits

PCRM's 2014 Airport Travel Guide

PCRM's 2014 Airport Travel Guide

Are you traveling to see friends and family for the holiday season?  If so, PCRM's 2014 Airport Travel Guide will come in handy! The guide features restaurants that serve "customizable entrées at diners, cafés, chain restaurants, sports bars, and upscale restaurants at 23 of the nation's busiest airports." Additionally, the majority of airports offer at least...

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  7706 Hits

Go "Straight-Up" for the Holidays!

Go "Straight-Up" for the Holidays!

It's often an intellectual decision to follow a whole-food plant-based, no-added-oil diet. We become convinced by logic and the weight of scientific evidence that this is the best path to optimal health. And then our practical side kicks in, and we wonder, "What will I eat? How will I cook?" This is an even more...

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  7268 Hits

How to Respond to Holiday Food Bullies

How to Respond to Holiday Food Bullies

Our Food Choices Spark the Curiosity of Others. Feasting on foods that are heavily processed and high in animal products, fat, calories, salt, sugar and oils while deficient in nutrients tends to play a central role in social gatherings and celebratory occasions. Therefore, it can be extremely awkward to eat healthfully and keep your health goals...

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  9560 Hits

Tips for Taking a Plant-Based Diet on the Road

Family in Car on Road Trip

Changing to a delicious, whole-food, plant-based diet is by far one of the best decisions you can make for you and your family! However, it does present some challenges, especially when taking a plant-based diet on the road. By taking the time to carefully plan your meals, you'll be prepared to eat wholesome disease-fighting meals...

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  11773 Hits

How to Roast Garlic Without Using Oil

Roasted Garlic

Do you love adding freshly roasted garlic to recipes, or enjoy eating it by itself, but you're not sure how to roast it without adding olive oil? It turns out you are not alone. And, fortunately many people have been experimenting and submitting recipes. As a fan of roasted garlic I am happy to present...

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  7414 Hits

Instilling Healthy Eating Habits In Children

Instilling Healthy Eating Habits In Children

If your child ran into the middle of a busy street, what would you do? Because you love your child - without hesitating, you would shout to him to stop and come back. You'd race to the middle of the street, pick him up and run to safety because you foresaw the impending danger. As...

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  12093 Hits

Enjoying the Holidays With Friends and Family

Enjoying the Holidays With Friends and Family

Rip Esselstyn, author of The Engine 2 Diet and My Beef With Meat, wrote an excellent article for Forks Over Knives on how to enjoy the holiday season when visiting friends and family who do not eat a Plant-Strong diet. Rip writes, "Visiting friends and family who are not plant-strong can be very tricky and requires a delicate...

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  4993 Hits

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