DrCarney.com Blog

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Engine 2 Extra

Engine 2 Extra

The Engine 2 Extra site seems to have vanished from the Internet. We are a bit sad because it wais a full fledged Online Support Community. It was an innovative and progressive service that was constantly improving and the community was growing larger by the day. The Forum was one of the MANY services/features of...

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  6492 Hits

How to Cut Winter Squash

How to Cut Winter Squash

As you begin adding more whole plant foods to your diet, you'll want to take advantage of the many health benefits that Winter squash has to offer. These vegetables are very flavorful and come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors and textures that will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. They can steamed,...

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  4505 Hits

Neal Barnard, MD

Neal Barnard, MD

Dr. Barnard has authored many nutrition books and conducted research on reversing diabetes though diet in conjunction with Georgetown University. He founded the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) in 1985, a group which promotes preventitive medicine and encourages high standards for ethics and effectiveness in reasearch. PCRM also introduced the New Four Food Groups...

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  6939 Hits

How do I Cook Beans?

How do I Cook Beans?

Foods that have sustained many different cultures for many centuries are generally quite simple to prepare. This is true with beans. There are really only four steps between us and a pot of home-cooked beans ready to be ladled over a bed of quinoa, mashed and folded into a tortilla, or sprinkled on a salad....

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  6699 Hits

What Does a Plant-Based Dinner Plate Look Like?

Starch-Smart® System: From Sun To Plant To Plate Starch-Smart® System: From Sun To Plant To Plate

"I have really been thinking about . . . how best to describe the principles of a healthy diet, and I think, plant-centered, minimally processed, calorie dilute, low SOS [salt, oil, sugar] & variety, really sums it all up," says Jeff Novick, MS, RD. But what does that look like when we sit down to...

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  20141 Hits

Oats 101 - A Buyer's Guide to Choosing Oats

Oats 101 - A Buyer's Guide to Choosing Oats

Oats come in many different shapes and sizes -- rolled oats, steel-cut, oat groats, quick and instant. Sound confusing? What's the difference? If you're asking these questions, Lindsay Nixon, creator of Happy Herbivore is here to help. Her article, Oat Types, Rolled and More, describes each form of oat product and what purpose it serves in...

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  4809 Hits

Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN

Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN

Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN is the one voice that we hear above all other voices playing from the Patient Education room in the Medical Office of Linda Carney MD, AllMedPhysicians, pLLC. Not only are Jeff's videos highly educational, but they are also entertainingly clever and humourous which really helps to drive home the...

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  5616 Hits

Learn the Basics of Plant-Based Cooking

Learn the Basics of Plant-Based Cooking

Once we're convinced that plant-based is the best path to optimal health, we're faced with a new question: How can I cook this way? Our good friends at Forks Over Knives can help. Starting January 5, 2016, they offer an online class that starts with the basics and works up to over 100 whole-food, plant-based,...

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  3637 Hits

Linda Carney, MD

Linda Carney, MD

Dr. Carney became a vegetarian at nine years of age when a new step-father entered into her life who did not eat meat. The vegetarian philosophy she was raised with included the eating of dairy products, plenty of eggs, processed foods, fake meat analogs (images to the beasts) and many other refined food products not...

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  3703 Hits

Nedley Depression Recovery Program

Nedley Depression Recovery Program

The Nedley Depression Recovery Program is the most comprehensive treatment program for depression available in the United States. For 10 days, participants work with Neil Nedley, MD, and his team to uncover the root causes of depression while acquiring the tools they need to cope with their real-life situations back home. The program addresses the...

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  17890 Hits

Cathy Fisher

Cathy Fisher

Cathy Fisher not only lives and breathes the plant-based lifestyle but she is also helping others to make the transition to a whole food plant-based diet smooth and delicious. Her amazing talent in creating nutritious and tasty vegan recipes has helped many people to enjoy delicious and nutritious foods while also enjoying improved health. Her...

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  8902 Hits

Michael Greger, MD

Michael Greger, MD

Anybody following our popular blogs will notice that we often, and highly, promote the work of Michael Greger, MD who scours the Medical Literature and makes videos which can be found on his web site at NutritionFacts.org.  We mostly know Dr. Greger because of his videos but the fact is that he is also a...

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  5778 Hits

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