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  • Welcome Erkki,
    Thank you for joining this group. We are small in numbers now but expect to grow. :-)
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  •   schweitzer53 commented on this post about 6 years ago
    I was not sure the best cover image to use for this allergies group because I did not want to just imply that allergies are hay fever since there are so many types of allergies. Anyhow, I am certainly open to idea. I have added a few people to this new support group.
    • This is a great image. Though I think I may have allergies to healthy vegetarian options, like legumes
    • Wow Isabelle, That would be difficult for me. We eat legumes pretty much daily. But, even if you have an allergy to legumes, there will still be aWow Isabelle, That would be difficult for me. We eat legumes pretty much daily. But, even if you have an allergy to legumes, there will still be a lot of other options. :-) How do you know you are allergic to legumes?  More ...
    • I guess it is an intolerance not an allergy. I believe I get stiffness and acheyness in hands and hips. Also some bloat. Always hard to know if II guess it is an intolerance not an allergy. I believe I get stiffness and acheyness in hands and hips. Also some bloat. Always hard to know if I am associating with right food. I want very much to eat beans, as I love them and love how I feel when following your suggested plan. I made a black bean burger for lunch today with some sweet potato, oats and sweet brown rice, plus onions. I have had extreme gas all afternoon.   More ...
    • I wonder if I continue to eat your recommended way, that the good nutrition will heal a leaky gut. When I eliminate the nuts and the legumes, it doesI wonder if I continue to eat your recommended way, that the good nutrition will heal a leaky gut. When I eliminate the nuts and the legumes, it does so limit my diet. I am a long distance runner, so I can use the calorie density that they both give my diet.   More ...
    • I just read the ingredients in your burgers to Dr. Carney and she had the same question as I did which was how cooked were the onions? Getting gasI just read the ingredients in your burgers to Dr. Carney and she had the same question as I did which was how cooked were the onions? Getting gas from raw onions is not uncommon. You might also want to temporarily try some anti-gas pills. We get them from Swanson Vitamins online. Also, Dr. Carney recommends drinking plenty of water in the morning and walking after meals to get the bowels moving.   More ...
    • Thank you. I will try that.
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  • ViktoriaD joined this group
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