• Hello Erica,

    We do offer blogging permissions and there is no charge to blog but we also screen our bloggers very carefully. We are contacted daily by people wanting to write articles and blog for us but almost all of them are working on a personal SEO strategy and are not actually passionate about the reason that our site exists. They just want a link from our site to theirs. Many of them only want one link and after that they are done. Needless to say, this is of no interest to us. We do not approve those requests and any posts like that get through are deleted immediately.This is to maintain the integrity of the information on our site and ensure that we are adding value to our readers, and giving them what they are coming for.

    So, for that reason we had to turn off the automatic blogging permissions and ask people to contact us in order for us to turn on those blogging permissions. Can you please tell me what your interest is in our site and what you are wanting to blog about? I will be really happy to consider turning on the blogging permissions if your blogging fits within the criteria of our site.
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