• Lori, I think your question is a little too vague. There is no best cookbook. There are thousands of recipes available online, and I have built my own "cookbook" a little at a time over the years. We would need a lot more information to make...
    Lori, I think your question is a little too vague. There is no best cookbook. There are thousands of recipes available online, and I have built my own "cookbook" a little at a time over the years. We would need a lot more information to make suggestions. Like are you cooking for only yourself, or a family? Since you said you are trying to leave out avocados I assume you are trying to lose weight. If that is true, then that would change what people would recommend. More important than all that, I believe, is to keep meals simple. I eat the same things most days. Oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, a big salad with a starch added for lunch. I do make involved recipes sometimes, but not a daily thing. Here's a pretty simple thing I do with kale. I buy a bunch of kale and a bunch of chard (the usual size you find in supermarket) and remove stems. I steam them together for about 8 minutes. While they are steaming I mix in a large bowl 1 Tbl balsamic vinegar (i used pear infused but any flavor you like will work) 1 tsp dill, 1 tsp.basil. 1-2 minced garlic cloves. After steaming add greens to bowl mix and eat! My wife and I both love this as a side dish. After all that I do have a cookbook recommendation: Straight Up Food by Cathy Fisher. The recipes are good and there is a lot of info on preparation, where to get ingredients, and why to eat this diet.
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