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Added a comment in Whole Grains May Protect Against Esophageal Cancer
about 5 years ago
This website does not establish a physician/patient relationship. That relationship is necessary in order to provide the correct answer to the type of question you asked.
This comment section cannot answer personal medical questions like this, but you may purchase a food coaching consult at for $149 so that information may be obtained that can help you to find the answer that is right for you.
Added a comment in Smoking Promotes Bladder Cancer
about 5 years ago
Whoa, so sad!
Thanks for letting me know.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Carney
Please check out our new logo at our nonprofit, where most people voted this logo their fav in our Hatchwise contest! (We are, at our new non-profit organization, still under construction, so stay tuned as we continue to reach our community with a life-saving message!)
Added a comment in Statins Increase Peripheral Neuropathy Risk
about 5 years ago
Red Yeast Rice contains the original statin marketed as Mevacor, which is how this pharmaceutical product was discovered.
Added a comment in Ask the Doc!
about 5 years ago
Yes, omitting DeCaf coffee will assist you towards your health goals in a way that drinking DeCaf coffee will not. If a person needs DeCaf coffee for a week or 2 to deal with the caffeine withdrawal headaches, the person would be wiser to stop DeCaf after those 2 weeks are over.
Added a comment in Smoking Promotes Impotence
about 6 years ago
If a patient has stellar insurance, it might be possible to get the insurer to pay for a CT angiogram of the pelvis. CTA of the Pelvis with IV contrast might be able to give us the info needed about erectile dysfunction due to atherosclerosis. I would not use oral contrast, just the IV contrast, in this case.