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Dr. Carney Speaking at Plant Fit Summit

Join us for the Plant Fit Summit Join us for the Plant Fit Summit

We are pleased to have had Dr. Carney invited as a speaker for the Plant Fit Summit. We are equally pleased to invite you to participate in the Plant Fit Summit running from August 31st to September 9th, 2019. Dr. Carney is one of the many great speakers. 

So, why might you be interested? Today's modern diseases, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease are rampant and modern medicine do not seem to have a solution... But, there are answers. Significant answers. Simple answers. Join 29 renowned doctors, coaches and inspirational speakers as they bust myths, share the latest insights and help you create the healthy life and body you desire and deserve. Join us at the Plant Fit Summit for FREE: https://plantfitsummit.com?ref=lindacarney

Whether you are battling health issues, want to get into shape, set world records, live longer or simply wake up full of energy, this year's Plant Fit Summit will be special. Please share this post and have a look at the full line up here: https://plantfitsummit.com?ref=lindacarney

The following video will introduce you to many of the affiliates who will be speaking at the summit:

In the interest of full disclosure, if after the summit, you decided that you wanted to purchase all of the videos, Dr. Carney will receive commissions as an affiliate. To us that is a feature and not a bug. It helps to support Dr. Carney in her mission to improve the health of anybody who will listen (and watch). And, it helps to support your health and the health of people you love to share with. 

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