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The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

The Easy Way To Stop Drinking

Carr offers a startling new view of why we drink and how we can escape the addiction

Step by step, with devastating clarity and simplicity, he applies the Easyway™ method, dispelling all the illusions that surround the subject of drinking and that can make it almost impossible to imagine a life without alcohol.

Check it out!

Carr offers a startling new view of why we drink and how we can escape the addiction.

Step by step, with devastating clarity and simplicity, he applies the Easyway™ method, dispelling all the illusions that surround the subject of drinking and that can make it almost impossible to imagine a life without alcohol.

Only when we step away from all these supposed pleasures and understand how we are being duped to believe we are receiving real benefits, can we begin to live our lives free from any desire or need for drinking.

The Easyway™ method centers on removing the psychological need to drink, while the drinker is still drinking.

Following the Easyway™:

  • You will not need willpower
  • You will not feel deprived
  • You will lose your fear of withdrawal pangs
  • You will enjoy social occasions more
  • You will be better equipped to handle stress

The Easy Way to Stop Drinking is a landmark work that offers a simple and painless solution to anyone who wants to escape from dependency on alcohol without feeling deprived.


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Allen Carr's Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking
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