DrCarney.com Blog

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What Causes Leaky Gut?

What Causes Leaky Gut?

The origin of many serious health conditions including autoimmune disease can be traced back to a condition called increased intestinal permeability, or better known as "leaky gut syndrome." You may be thinking, "How can my gut possibly be related to my (fill in the blank)? This is a very common question. Knowing how the lining of the...

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Are Allergies Linked to Nutritional Factors?

Woman With Allergies Sneezing

As someone who suffered from asthma and allergies since childhood, I'm very familiar with the tight breathing, the nasal congestion, and the throat irritation associated with those conditions. For most of my life, I'd eaten what I thought was a pretty "healthy" diet. I ate my fruits and veggies. (Well, okay... I ate fruit; I...

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How do our Food Choices Promote Autoimmune Conditions?

How do our Food Choices Promote Autoimmune Conditions?

Autoimmune disease affects more than 23.5 million Americans and is a serious condition in which the body's own immune system attacks healthy cells within the body, believing that they are foreign substances. This condition can affect one or more parts of the body and is the leading cause of death in women 65 years or...

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