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This is Your Brain - On Pork Tapeworms

This is Your Brain - On Pork Tapeworms

Do you know of someone that needs a good reason to switch to a whole-food, Starch-Smart® diet? If so, you may want to share the two videos below with them featuring Dr. Michael Greger. This information may motivate your bacon-loving friends to reconsider their disease promoting diets! A review by the Mayo Clinic describes how...

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Brain Parasites in Meat

Brain Parasites in Meat

One out of every six lambs raised for human consumption in the U.S. has been found to be infected with the Toxoplasma parasite. This parasite can affect the brains of humans. It is estimated that ten percent of Americans currently have these brain parasites and aren't even aware of it.  Illnesses such as Parkinson's, bi-polar disorder,...

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