DrCarney.com Blog

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Avoiding Fried Foods Reduces Cancer Risk

Avoiding Fried Foods Reduces Cancer Risk

"Would you like fries with that?" You may want to skip fried foods the next time you eat out after seeing the research linking these foods to cancer development. Dr. Michael Greger demonstrates in the video below, (as well as the following highlighted link) how deep fried foods are associated with cancers of the breast, pancreas, lung, mouth and throat, esophagus, larynx, kidney, ovary, and the endometrial lining of the uterus. Researchers also discovered that "...eating French fries, fried chicken, fried fish, and doughnuts was associated with about a third greater odds of prostate cancer, and after stratifying for tumor aggressiveness, found even slightly stronger associations with more aggressive disease, suggesting that regular intake of deep-fried foods may contribute to progression of prostate cancer as well."

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  8522 Hits

Obesity Trends Slideshow to Share With Friends

Obesity Trends Slideshow to Share With Friends

We would like to share with you a slideshow that we created using the Obesity Trends images and information from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) from their Bahavioral Rick Factor Surveillance System. We invite you to click through the images from 1985 to 2010 you will see an alarming trend.  We hope you might...

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  3860 Hits

We Say Calcium, You Say ?

We Say Calcium, You Say ?

If we were to say the words "calcium," "protein" or "iron" what images or words would that bring to your mind? If you were to answer milk, eggs, and beef, you're not alone. Most of us are not aware that we have fallen for the clever marketing strategies used by big food industries. This blog...

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  6998 Hits

Healthy Food = Healthy Colon

Healthy Food = Healthy Colon

We're sure you will agree that colon polyps aren't exactly a popular topic of conversation. However, because they increase our risk of colon cancer (and over 35% of those eating the typical American diet have polyps) it's important for us to discuss them. Notice in the above graph from Dr. T. Colin Campbell's China Study,...

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Incredible Egg? or Incredible Marketing?

Incredible Egg? or Incredible Marketing?

Scrambled, fried, hard boiled, or poached - there's a way to prepare eggs to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. I'm sure many people have fond memories of eating bacon and eggs for breakfast with their families on weekend mornings. Eggs are heavily advertised as being an excellent source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants...

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  10937 Hits

Vitamin B12: It’s not just for meat-eaters anymore.

Vitamin B12: It’s not just for meat-eaters anymore.

Guest Blogger Contribution.
So, you’ve been eating a low-fat whole foods vegan diet for awhile and you’re feeling GREAT! Then your vegan-advisor pulls a rain-cloud over the party by asking “Have you started taking vitamin B12 yet?” “No way!” you splutter. “A whole foods vegan diet is perfect! I’m not into pills. I just eat organic...

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  2386 Hits

Is eating meat macho?

Is eating meat macho?

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Is eating meat macho? Many seem to think so. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2012/05/18/men-meat-and-masculinity-linked/ Based on those beliefs, men may be motivated to eat meat, which sadly, is linked to shorter lives with higher rates of disease. http://nutritionfacts.org/video/low-meat-or-no-meat/ Is it maybe worth a shorter life? Are meat-eating men more masculine than vegan men? Let's look at some...

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  4342 Hits

Don't Worry... Be Healthy!

Don't Worry... Be Healthy!

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Do you consider yourself health conscious? Do you ever worry about getting enough nutrients? It seems common for the health conscious to seek out foods with the best and most nutrients. In the beginning of my Type-1 diabetes journey, I was completely clueless about nutrition. I knew of the words "protein" and "vitamins",...

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  3209 Hits

I'm Doing Just Fine

I'm Doing Just Fine

Guest Blogger Contribution.
So, how are you doing (health-wise) Do you feel good? Unfortunately, that is a hard question to answer, because "feel-good" is relative - and the reference, itself, is variable. This makes the perception of "feel-good" very nebulous. This realization became profoundly evident to me in the early stages of my Type-1 diabetes journey....

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  2124 Hits

Alternative Medicine: Part 3

Alternative Medicine: Part 3

Guest Blogger Contribution.
This blog post is Part 3. For a better understanding, please pre-read parts 1 and 2. Webster's definition of Alternative Medicine: any of various systems of healing or treating disease that is not included in the traditional medical curricula of the United States and Britain. I feel certain that there are at least...

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  2067 Hits

Alternative Medicine: Part 2

Alternative Medicine: Part 2


Guest Blogger Contribution.
Webster's definition of Alternative Medicine: any of various systems of healing or treating disease that is not included in the traditional medical curricula of the United States and Britain. But, what if a traditional medical curriculum is in error? Advancements in our society are built on top of previous advances. Each advancement...

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  2023 Hits

Alternative Medicine: Part 1

Alternative Medicine: Part 1

Guest Blogger Contribution.
A few years ago I was checking out at a local grocery store where I was purchasing some organic apples. The checker asked me if the organic apples were as good as the real ones. I was struck in pause by the question before answering, " the organic apples ARE the real ones!"...

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  1909 Hits

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