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Fuhrman Member Center

Fuhrman Member Center

Dr. Fuhrman runs a Member Center as a subscription based service. The Member Center provides a wealth of knowledge and he is personally involved as are his Staff Physicians. The Member Support Center is located on his main web site. This is very much a for pay service with the costs increasing as services also increase.

We do not have extensive experience with Dr. Fuhrman's Member Center although one of our staff is a member and very much appreciates the support she receives at his site. There is no doubt that Dr. Fuhrman has helped many people to improve their health and Dr. Carney recommends and sells some of his books to her patients.

There is a difference in Dr. Fuhrman's approach which has put him at odds with the majority of the plant-based Medical community because he has been known to "allow" people to eat Fish and Fat Free Dairy twice a week as well as Poultry, Eggs and Oil on a weekly basis and the occasional Beef, Sweets, Cheese, Milk, Processed Foods and Hydrogenated Oils. These are all items that the majority of plant-based Physicians, Dietitians and Health Educators, including Dr. Carney, suggest should not be eaten at all by anybody attempting to regain or achieve optimal health. This more concessionary approach probably accounts for much of his success.

The following is a promotional video produced by Dr. Fuhrman for his Member Center:

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