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NEWSTART Lifestyle Club

NEWSTART Lifestyle Club

This site is NOT technically a forum as we were not able to find a discussion forum component to the site. But, we wanted to make you aware of it just the same. The Newstart Club is an free support site that is operated by The Weimar Center of Health and Education who are the same people who run the Newstart Lifestyle Program. Some of Dr. Carney's patients have attended the NEWSTART live-in lifestyle program and received great benefits from their stay there. The They promote the same Eight Natural Remedies that Dr. Carney encourages her patients to follow. In fact they own the acronym NEWSTART which stands for Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust.

The web site is full of useful resources and recipes. We do find that some of the recipes are higher in fat than we would recommend to our patients because they use olive oil, coconut oil and vegenaise in many recipes. These are substances that we discourage our patient from eating because they are low nutrient, high fat, processed foods that are also inflammatory. However, most of the recipes can be adapted to just not to use those substances.

We do highly suggest that you sign up for a membership at the Newstart Club! You will need to sign up before you will be allowed to watch any of their videos or read any of the ingredient lists for any of their recipes. So, go ahead and get signed up!

For more information visit the Newstart Club Web Site

We were unable to find a Newstart Club promotional video and all of the many videos on the Newstart Club site require you to have a login and password before viewing them so instead we are embedding a video from the Newstart web site for you to learn more about their Lifestyle Medicine approach:

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