DrCarney.com Blog

Health - Food - Science - Community

Starch-Smart® Social Site

Starch-Smart® Social Site

We launched our very own social network site. We welcome you to join in our family-friendly community site for plant-based whole-food, low-fat, high-nutrient lifestyle education and encouragement through social networking, knowledge exchanging, recipe sharing, news feeds, member blogging and more. The Starch-Smart System® Social Site allows members to network socially in an environment very much...

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  3825 Hits

M.O.D.E.R.N Diet Destructive to Human Beings

M.O.D.E.R.N Diet Destructive to Human Beings

So often we think of MODERN as good, or even best, and often it is when we consider technological advances  and all that technology has done for us (although there are negative effects as well). Nevertheless, the one place where MODERN is decidedly NOT best, or even remotely good for us, is in our MODERN diet, created...

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  11712 Hits

From Sun to Plant to Plate

From Sun to Plant to Plate

As depicted in the Starch-Smart® Logo: Health is gained by eating foods deriving their energy directly from the Sun. This is the Starch-Smart® cycle of life! The closer we are willing to stick to this simple plan the better our health will be. The further we choose to stray from this simple plan the less health...

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  22065 Hits

Beans, Greens, Squash and Yams

Beans, Greens, Squash and Yams

Many of you are acquainted with our memory-jogging slogan "Beans, Greens, Squash and Yams" which is a definition of Starch-Smart® categories of food staples rather than the mandating of a restricted diet.  In fact, the Starch-Smart® System of Dietary Care Extraordinaire encourages eating many varied and deliciously wonderful foods.  It is a program where you...

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  17271 Hits



Ideally Suited for: For those wanting to optimize their health and longevity. Requires an openness to changing preferred tastes and habits for increased health benefits. Calories from Fat: < 15% calories from fat. Vegetables: Enjoy multiple servings of raw or cooked vegetables for breakfast and lunch. Include dark green, leafy vegetables at both meals for...

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  16532 Hits



Ideally Suited for: For those wanting to stop or reverse a diagnosed disease condition or those wanting a cleansing diet to reset their taste buds. Calories from Fat: ~ 10% calories from fat. Vegetables: Vegetables should be a cornerstone of your strategy to restore health, and the basis of breakfast. Eat vegetables cooked or raw,...

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  30728 Hits



Ideally Suited for: Those looking for a maintenance lifestyle that boosts energy and balances good nutrition with current preferences for flavors and seasonings. Calories from Fat: < 20% calories from fat. Vegetables: Eat several servings of cooked or raw vegetables at two meals each day. Vegetables come in several categories; try to get some of...

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  19307 Hits



Ideally Suited for: Those wanting to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables while moving toward a more natural, whole-food diet without completely changing their current eating style. Calories from Fat: < 25% calories from fat. Vegetables: Vegetables provide protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat, as well as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Adding them to your...

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  18622 Hits

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